Diamonds, that shine under the rays of Mirrow, are rightfully considered to be the most valuable currency of the world of Faeo. Warriors with the handful of diamonds can open many doors, and tradesmen will be glad to offer rarest goods.
Now you can receive valuable and important goods for the mere fact of purchasing diamonds, without actually spending them!
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Warriors! Starting from today and
till 12:00 5.11 when purchasing diamonds, during the special offer, you will receive gifts! There are
21 valuable gifts, which you will
receive one by one for each 25 you buy.
IMPORTANT! You can now do that in
multiple purchases - your reward will unlock after the sum of your purchases is greater than 25! After receiving one prize, you will receive the next one after purchasing another 25 diamonds in total.
Remember that you don't have to spend the diamonds to get the rewards!