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 Happy New Year from Help Structures!23.12.2019 17:00

The year 2019 is coming to a close and soon we will be greeting a New Year – 2020!




This year has been quite an interesting and challenging one! We saw changes in the volunteer structures, as well as changes in administration. We are looking forward to a fruitful relationship with our new administration and are very optimistic, that together we can make the EU servers great again!



Both the guards teams,  Human and  Magmar, have worked hard this year. They have started a new 'Amnesty Programme', allowing players to be pardoned for old curses which are no longer valid under Faeo's new rules. Additionally, the interracial work of the guards has been improving and so are the relations with guards on other servers. All of the teams are working smoothly to share knowledge and information.



 Mentors have worked hard day and night to assist the players and share their vast knowledge. The information is ever expanding, but  Mentors continue to research and gather this knowledge to benefit players of both races.  They have also made sure to keep chats in check and make sure everyone is having good conversations.


 Mentors' constant efforts have helped us find answers to all the questions (quests, events, reputations etc.) with just one message.



  Jesters have brought us several new events this year. The variety of tasks within these events has allowed players of all levels to share their hidden talents with others and enjoy something different from the game. And as always, our dear  Liusaidh has been there to constantly facilitate these spectacular events.


Nonetheless, Jesters would love to see more players participating. If you need additional motivation, check out the Jesters' Shop in the City Fairs to see what treasures you can get with the Talent Coin.



 Consecrators have continued to help couples in love to make their relationship legally binding. They are happy with how many couples have taken their vows and are excited in anticipation for the weddings to follow in the New Year.  As we head into the Year 2020, let us look forward to even more marriages.



This year we also had a new team join us. Our old Chroniclers are now part of  Heralds.


 Heralds are divided into 4 teams: Archivists, War Narrators, CrackerJacks and Socializers. With the help of these teams,  Heralds are working hard to produce a range of content for the players of Faeo, via official WoD libraries and social media.


While this year has presented several challenges, we hope that you, the WoD community, will continue to support us in our combined efforts to provide exciting new opportunities and content.



From all   Guards and  Mentors,  Heralds,  Jesters  and   Consecrators,
we wish everyone a wonderful and prosperous
Happy New Year!

Author: tceba, editor note: tceba

1. -Marjt- 23.12.2019 17:23
Happy easter! wait, is it too soon?
2. Mystral01 23.12.2019 17:43
"Mentors have worked hard day and night", surely in magmar side ... best­ team of ever, always offline. If you want become Mentor in magmar side isn't­ possible, because no one can form you within the agreed period, because no one­ is online and when they log in, they start shift without check if you are on or­ not. *applause*
3. DogmaDeath 23.12.2019 18:11
@mystral01 surely u must know that mag mentors have a tendency to be offline at­ times due to work and stuff right. also im sure u also know that slandering them­ will not help u become a mentor, and if u wanted to be one asking on how to work­ with them due to thier short time frames to be figure out when to shift with­ them. taking initiative to try to train with them would also help speed things­ along im sure, so before u get all salty about remember some people decided to­ spend their free time to help other player.
4. Mystral01 23.12.2019 18:31
@DogmaDeath Saturday, November 18th 2017, 2:04pm, This post has been edited 1­ times, last edit by "Bier" (Feb 6th 2019, 8:18pm). Like 2 years after?­ wow I could become dad in this all time LEL. Surely they decided to spend their­ time for help others, I was in training for be mentor, surely real life is 1000x­ more important, but if you are busy in real life or if you don't have enough­ time for help people, maybe you shouldn't be mentor. They are many people­ that would like be mentor and help people but they can't become mentor ;)
5. -Pearl- 23.12.2019 19:06
wish all peacefull christmas and a Happy new year!
6. orrin 23.12.2019 19:15
so which is for me lol
7. ImLeeLoo 24.12.2019 00:44
@Mystral01 don't be mean, is just 1 year and a bit :D merry­ xmas everyone!
8. - Tinus - 24.12.2019 11:45
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2020
9. Mictlantecuhtli 24.12.2019 11:47
felices fiestas a todos desde Panama . t que la pasen super bien , felicidades a­ todos
10. Army Of Darkness 26.12.2019 22:06
Happy New Year all - Including Admins XD
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