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 Lucky Investment!02.01.2020 09:00

Brave defenders of Ogriy and Khair! Bankers of Faeo have good news for all those who have Lucky Investment cerificates!

From 9:00 02.01 and until 23:59 04.01 every owner of a certificate can receive a gift for the mere fact of its activation!

This way, bankers chose random "Happy Days", during which the activation of certificates will bring an additional reward!
Use the chance to increase your wealth!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: tceba

1. nero85 02.01.2020 14:06
The investment must make you in this game!! no quest work properly, no­ intresting news, the client lasts update in 2015!!!! only event­ for buy diamonds!!! Its not good 2020 start!!!
2. mlodfr1 02.01.2020 15:39
hello New Year Cheer please unlocking good game
3. ReaperGrimsoul 03.01.2020 15:36
Careful everyone this is not accurate you recieve NOTHING for buying diamonds ,­ I bought 100 diamonds and got no cert ,apon reading this better after not­ getting anything I see it says "Brave defenders of Ogriy and Khair!­ Bankers of Faeo have good news for all those who have Lucky Investment­ cerificates!" so you must have cert already and this looks just like­ normal "Lucky investment to get us to buy and recieve nothing
4. ReaperGrimsoul 03.01.2020 15:40
Admins please change the way this looks it should not look like normal Lucky­ investment event if it is not the same it is a misrepresentation and may cause­ people to buy inder false pretence as I just did not cool at all !

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