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 Exotic Fair of Wonders26.01.2021 11:00

What is that unusual noise that is heard on the Trade Fairs of both capitals? A squeak of bend wood, melodious sound of bowstring, a whistle of flying bows… No, that is not the exchange of fire with the enemy, that is customers trying out newly arrived goods. Exotic Fair of Wonders has started in the World of Faeo!

Exotic Fair will be open till 28.01 23:59
Also, until 28.01 23:59 for every  100 diamonds or  200 gold at the Exotic Fair of Wonders you will receive 4 Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 1 Mithril Key and 1 Full Erdur box!
Enjoy the fair, warriors!
Author: Clover-, editor note: Clover-

1. Hazzelinko 26.01.2021 11:21
Is there meant to be no bracelets/red arkats?
2. lol666 26.01.2021 14:43
I just realised that a lvl 20 varnish costs the same as a lvl 1 varnish xD, and­ ofc since im not lvl 20 i cannot use the lvl 20 that gives 100 stats instead of­ the low lvl ones that gives 10 .-.
3. lol666 26.01.2021 14:44
Wanted to spend some cash for carnish but since it seems useless unless done­ with arbiter rep i ll keep my pocket closed
4. Militant 26.01.2021 16:24
1 more month and no diamond cert. I wonder why do people put any hard earn money­ in this game anymore.There are Diamond Bonus 2-3 times a month with worthless­ gifts and if you lucky to recieve them after you buy them, then they make you do­ a ticket to get them. I af a question to the admins if they ever want to­ answer....What are your plans for this server closing it down or merge it?­ because what I am hearing from some of the big paypallers of the Mags side is­ they want to stop playing do to the litte interest the admins have for paypaller­ "wants".
5. The Great Khan 26.01.2021 16:39
Quick question: Why are there no diamond certs yet again? It seems like prices­ inflating to 3-4 times of the natural cycle of it is benefiting you somehow­ (then again, it doesn't, because no diamond cert=no diamond spent to buy the­ certs and nobody buying those certs from the people who sell those certs and­ therefore no more those people buying the certs from shop and no more people­ buying the certs from the people who sell those certs who buy them fro- you get­ the idea) but why the sudden idea to stop that? The prices jumped from 7-8x­ range to 15x range, I mean I get it, making people suffer especially when you­ have the red items and new combos and stuff coming along but come on, think­ about the amount of money you could make off of putting diamond certs up on sale­ during that time. Tl; dr: bring the diamond certs back just like Justin­ Timberlake brought the sexy back.
6. Phoenix Ikki 26.01.2021 16:47
seems like everybody wishing for the same
7. cobra 26 26.01.2021 20:55
diamond certs pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
8. TotoK 27.01.2021 04:03
but what want this people than 100d worth 1500- 2000g? only people who play a­ lot will buy yes but what about the rest?low lvl must play alot to buy 100d­ ...people play years to have strong gear etc this seems a joke­ relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx better sell big amount day certs to price balance come­ on.... 100d worth 700g not more is what i think (700g is alot time playing­ still) but...1500-2000g is A LOT TIME playing and with 100d people not do a F­ need lots dia certs 500 to 1k diamonds thats 15.000g - 20.000g pfffffff people­ spent a lot time playing to earn gold more efficiently etc, for this? not even­ joking i pay those prices i do nothing with 100d to 1500-2000g for all the hours­ played and surely will got few certs with the demand that there is and the­ little few people willing to sell listen this if i were to paypal for­ certificates yeah i sell it in 2k happy but probably next time i wont buy again­ it because i made 2000g easly or i am crazy? its just is my thought. i really­ dont care about this much xd sell things with gold if want players to­ spend the gold so much
9. lol666 27.01.2021 08:54
I wonder why all high lvl are spamming for diamonds cert, is that really needed­ to play a game? i kinda prefer some good events and not all the same events­ repeated
10. ReaperGrimsoul 28.01.2021 04:26
No more certs events no more of this B.V. -­ negative$250.00 Jan 22 Payment Loading transaction details­ for B.V. - negative$250.00 Jan 22 Payment­ B.V. - negative$375.00 Jan 22 Payment B.V. -­ negative$375.00
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