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 Rush at the year of the White Kretch28.01.2021 11:01

The year of the White Kretch has come. And he chose the powerful Shaman Kratkh to implement his plans and become the new sacred leader of the gray tribe. He destroyed the altar of the Supreme Kratkh spirit in the main sanctuary, gaining great power and becoming a threat to all Faeo!

To stop him, you will have to go to the Kretches Lair. After killing the Kretch Butcher, you will find a secret passage to the Old Cave, hidden until now, where the shaman is hiding. After defeating the Kratkh in a fierce battle, you will be able to restore the destroyed altar of the Supreme Spirit of the Kretches. A grateful spirit will not remain in debt and will repay you with its gifts! Also, for defeating such a powerful enemy, you will receive several Mark of the Defender of Faeo tokens.
Note: To challenge Shaman Kratkh, you need Kretch Amulet. The more you contribute to the restoration of the altar, the higher will be the influence of the Supreme Spirit of the Krat in Faeo. This means,  the blessing Kretch Awakened Amulet that you will receive by placing on the altar will be stronger every time.
Don't let Shaman Kratkh's plans come true!
Author: Clover-, editor note: Clover-

1. plm00 28.01.2021 11:08
lets go :D
2. wut 28.01.2021 13:46
pointlessly hard fight for lvl 14s
3. lol666 28.01.2021 15:56
15:37 You noticed something valuable appear on the Altar. It’s not clear where­ the item came from. The Altar was completely empty a second ago. Received: Imp­ Combo-Cube 2 pcs. 15:37 Received: Slice of Pizza 30 pcs. 15:37 ­ Received: Kretch Transformation Elixir 1 pcs. 15:37 Received: You Can Rely­ On Shield 1 pcs. not bad, just a not really annoying fight

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