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 Championship of another world10.06.2021 08:00

UPDATE: The Spellcaster Caskets only will be available during world championships.


"Oh well”, said  Elder Baguron to  Elder Verkiry, “There is this funny thing called football in one of the other worlds. Too bad that our youngsters are only interested in killing each other!” - “Yes,” sighed  Elder Verkiry, “Imagine if we could have such a tournament in Faeo!” Both Elders' eyes lit up at the thought of it. 



“Oh you silly old men!”,  Soygura said, “You really think it could work here? There would be blood battles on the pitches and spectators would run mad, pointing their swords at everyone in their way!” The Elders nodded in dismay. For a while there was silence, while they sipped their Shizbeer at the harbour pub in Vurdaliya. Once a month several honourables of each continent met in one of the pubs, talking about how the world has changed whilst having a drink. 


Suddenly  Pandrik the Wise jumped, waving his hands in excitement. “What’s wrong, old man?”,  Gidver asked, “Did you lose your glasses again?” - “No no!”, the old man replied. “Do you know if  Givens still has this weird machine called a television in his backroom?” Everyone looked at each other, rather puzzled, until a voice said:”I think it is still there, but broken. Maybe  Avelius and  Globius could take a look and repair it.” - “Yes, yes!”,  Pandrik shouted in excitement. “And maybe they can invent something so we can watch the football matches from the other world as well.” Now the also Elders were excited: “We could put up huge white screens on our city squares and all warriors could watch the games from there!” Everyone now came with new ideas how this championship could be made a big event in Faeo as well.


The Ladies  Cordelia and  Guinevere were looking at eachother and then  Lady Guinevere said: "We found a casket near the giant abyssal fault that has opened up in the lands of ancient races, which, by an incredible coincidence, fell into Faeo from another reality." The Elders were inspecting the find and became even more excited as it turned out to be a magical football champion chest. Soon more ideas were discussed and finally they all came up with a great event which could bring all warriors joy and a distraction every two years!


The time has come and the abyssal fault has opened again. Don't miss the chance to participate by placing your bets in the corresponding threads in the forum. Thread for the first match will open Thursday, 10th June around 15:00 server time.

More information to the event and how it works you can find here!  


 We wish you lots of fun and good luck!

Author: tceba, editor note: Liusaidh

11. -Alan4Fun- 11.06.2021 09:37
euros kick off this evening i been to ladty Guinevere but no chest or even event­ tag
12. -Alan4Fun- 11.06.2021 19:42
where is the start of this event or is it not going to happen
13. orrin 11.06.2021 20:45
thank you, great event for Euro 202o(1) lol
14. orrin 11.06.2021 20:48
to #12 and those who do Not know there to p a r t i c i p a t e. check --- >­ Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Forum » Welcome to Faeo » City Pub » Forum­ and Facebook Events » lol posts by admin should be here
15. -Alan4Fun- 12.06.2021 10:35
where do i go to get the chest it says lady guinevere but she has nothing and i­ cant find anything in forum
16. orrin 12.06.2021 12:19
to #15 yep it's not open yet so as the 1 time bet on forum who wins the Euro­ 202o(1)
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