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 Fights at the Battlefields13.08.2021 14:00

Heeding the Great Dragons' call, humans and magmars are ready to prove their warrior skills and willingness to win on the legendary battlefields of Faeo. Defenders of the Continents need to demonstrate their strength, endurance and the ability to hold a blow in fierce duels with each other to glorify their race.

Crystalline Caves, Arena, Ancient temple, Chaotic battles and Tallaar's Halls will be the most important battlefields, where the competition between the races will be held!
Hero of the ArenaHero of the Crystalline CavesHero of the Ancient TempleHero of Tallaar’s HallsChaotic Battles Hero
You may receive personal and clan quests of this stage of the Fury of the Dragons event in the  Foothills or in the  Hell's Pass from the Great Dragons and guardians  Shodu and  Vigor.

Brave SwordbearerFurious Race Defender
Earning victories in battles for the order of Underground Knights quest, warriors will receive valor and Bag of Scalps containing the scalps of defeated enemies.
Fierce Victory
Those, who started the clan quest need to gather 100 tokens and earn 500 victories on the Ancient Plateau and Plateau of Silence. As a reward a clan will get the achievement and the clan leader will receive 10 Stone Architect Sign.
Now you may receive Battle Spirit Sphere, Celebration Punch (depending of your level) or Cut bottle by giving the tokens. Keep in mind, you may give them ever after finishing the clan quest.

You will also have no-break during this stage!

- More info in Game Library
Light up the fire of the battle in hearts, earn your people a victory! Participate in the Fury of the Dragons event - let the world know about its heroes!
Author: Clover-, editor note: Clover-

1. koko6 13.08.2021 15:47
So, start the teleport to the plateau of silence if that makes sense.
2. Yami Rengoku 13.08.2021 17:16
I think you should make a better tradution and clearly quest..they are bad­ explained, the old and the new one (monthly season quest too) ;)
3. -suvreN- 14.08.2021 11:25
I think you should remove plateu storm and make people play normal battliefileds­ ;)

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