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 Diamond Certificates25.09.2021 15:00

Diamonds – are a very sought-after currency that lets any warrior purchase unique and valuable goods.
Defenders of  Ogriy and  Khair! You have a unique opportunity to purchase Diamond Certificates from a Certificates Merchant on the Fairgrounds. Bankers will only sell a limited amount of certificates in one hands. City authorities already announced that you would be able to sell these certificates on Auction and Exchange.
Pay attention! Power Leveling Thresholds are not applied when selling diamond certificates: seller sets a price according to the demand on the item.
The certificates will be on sale till 26.09 23:59.
Sometimes in order to sell something at a good price,
one has to purchase something at a good price - good luck!
Author: tceba

1. User4105 25.09.2021 15:39
please sell 5-10-25-50 diamond too
2. _Kenshiro_ 25.09.2021 17:29
tceba How do we create a request for diamond certificates at auction if it­ doesn't work but you are taking us for a ride?
3. Tristy 25.09.2021 18:24
please fix exchange bug it should not be that hard we can't make app for­ certificates
4. N e a g l e y 25.09.2021 19:20
please sell 5-10-25-50 diamond too
5. tceba 25.09.2021 19:40
Please use 'rare item' when creating application.
Its a minor fix­ just for a while.
6. N e a g l e y 25.09.2021 20:28
for brilliant certificates the auction can be changed at short notice, for­ everything else that is not missing ???
7. Tristy 25.09.2021 20:35
@tceba still can't see things like 5-10-50 dia certs and eshu's gaze­ bracelet

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