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 Celestial Empowerment: Harcide05.01.2022 14:00

Astrologers look with curiosity into the starry distance, because the celestial bodies are lined up in a previously unknown constellation, resembling in its outline .. A giant wasp!?

Mothers hug their babies and lock themselves in their homes. Warriors polish their armor and sharpen their blades. After all, a trip to the lair of the dangerous is a matter of honor. And after defeating a dangerous monster, you will receive a worthy reward: for the first victory over the enemy, you will receive Battered Chest, and for subsequent victories - Small Shabby Chest.

1 5
  • You can fight the Celestial version of the Harcide in the Zigred Hive located in the  Steppe Vista or  Glade of Dreams;
  • The battle with the Celestial version of the Harcide is available for players who have reached level 3;
  • During the event, you can get Battered Chest once, and Small Shabby Chest up to five times.

Fight the unpredictable Harcide
show what you are capable of!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

1. AJAN-6 05.01.2022 14:15
14:13 The battle « Attack on Harcide» is over. 1700hp harzita­ no drop item
2. Septera 05.01.2022 14:23
Divine Enhancement: Balthazar 3-20 High Divine Enhancement: Balthazar Do­ ukończenia etapu pozostało: 3dn 23godz. 37min. chyba ktoś nie­ wytrzeźwiał
3. - Milos - 05.01.2022 14:24
Yep, I second that. Only regular Harcide is in the Hive. Wish I knew that­ before blessing myself :(
4. UnderDemon 05.01.2022 14:57
was great to waste blesses ty again for screwing things up
5. fireblast jamie 05.01.2022 15:09
For anyone wondering its fixed now.
6. UnderDemon 05.01.2022 15:15
should be sending all the people that got screwed on first try a free reset
7. Sadira 05.01.2022 20:06
Is it in Glade of dreams or Harcide lair?
8. -_RoRoNoA ZoRo_- 06.01.2022 00:26
As usual...fix lag please
9. User4105 06.01.2022 08:42
10. Katzfiel 06.01.2022 19:20
Enough is enough. Before start something solute this lag solution first! Why­ is this issue not resolved? Are there millions of players on the server and we­ are not aware of it?All our buffs are wasted. Look, it's so simple! If­ you can't fix something, you won't break it any more. If the server is­ not removing that much activity, you will do less activity! So the players­ won't get angry for nothing and will just do what they came to do and have­ fun!!!
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