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 Clan Wars. The Leagues are set!12.04.2022 18:00

Dear participating clans, who applied for clan battles before 15:00 on 12.04, please apply again.
Brave warriors, defending the honor of their battle unions in fierce fights! For several weeks you have been fighting on the five islands: some battles were victorious, others - ended up in your defeat, whatever the result was each fight was spectacular and important. The first stage of the Clan Wars has come to its end, we are ready to announce the results of the distribution of the clans by the three leagues

 Golden league consists of Top 10 clans that are in Clan Wars rating table (1598 points and more).  Silver league consist of 20 clans (from 1385 to 1567 points). Other clans (1347 points and less) will fight for the leadership in  Bronze league
1  Golden league
2  Silver leagues
3  Bronze leagues
Participants of the  Golden league are not allowed to skip battles, otherwise, they will be fined by 5% of u parameter for each missed fight that exceeds the allowed limit. Members of  Silver league are allowed to skip no more than one battle in a row, otherwise, they will be fined by 5% of u parameter for each missed battle beyond the allowed limit. In  Bronze league it is allowed to miss no more than two battles in a row, otherwise, the clan will be fined by 5% of u parameter for each unattended battle above the allowed limit.

If during a certain period of time a clan doesn't participate in battles, it loses its rating points - this may result in the transfer of the clan to another lower league. The exchange between  Silver and  Golden league happens, if in the  Golden league there is a clan with the rating of less than 1598, and in the  Silver  a clan with the rating of 1567 and more. Exchange between the  Silver and  Bronze league occurs if in the  Silver league there is a clan with the rating of 1385 and less, and in the  Bronze  a clan with the rating of 1347 and more.
Four weeks of heroic battles await you! Become the winner of your league!
Last exchange between the leagues in the season will happen after the battles on 28.04!
Last battle of the season will happen on 05.05!
Results of the Clan Wars season will be concluded on 10.05!
Author: Apollinariya, editor note: Apollinariya

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