Experienced warriors of course know about the value of Magic Moulds, which can be purchased at a Weaponsmithy and Premium shop. These moulds are imbued with the power of symbols of the Otherworld, which can enhance your weapons and armour.
However, in the coming days, this will not be their only wonderful property! You will be able to receive additional rewards for using Magic Moulds.
If you received the wrong rewards for 50 moulds used, please contact the Technical Support team. To be eligible for the exchange of items, you must not use the previous items given.
I am happy. Repeated old symbols, spent 50-60g , and still I am happy - goal achieved - blue armour mostly adjusted for location travel speed and purple armour set for more Booste [green]. For the money I had, mostly goal was achieved with symbols. Thank you. For real. Greetings :)