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 Hunters Trade Fair of Wonders11.08.2023 12:00

Pay attention to new products:

What is that unusual noise that is heard on the Trade Fairs of both capitals? A squeak of bend wood, melodious sound of bowstring, a whistle of flying bows… No, that is not the exchange of fire with the enemy, that is customers trying out newly arrived goods. Hunters Fair of Wonders has started in the World of Faeo! 
This time traders brought with them Legendary bows, quivers and amulets for warriors of all levels and fight styles. Unfortunately they forgot to bring any weapons or rings. But with those bows no beast, enemy or demon can be a problem!
Don't miss Quick Access Scroll, which will let you enter a selected instance once again without waiting. A fine addition to that will be Great Collector's Casket and of course Twilight Casket.
You will also find numerous items that will help you in fights against your enemies

That was just a glimpse of what is available at this fair. By the way, Fair's assortment may be updated!
Also from this moment when you receive your Ludial chain links for buying goods at the Fair you have a chance to receive a collection element - Lucky Ice Bear Statuette. After aquiring all 6 statuettes you'll be able to construct Magic Lasso. This magical tool will help you catch and tame a real Faeo mountCerradorScorpolionRestless DzerugIce BearFierce Pkhadd - any of those mounts cane be yours and you will even be able to decide yourself which one!
Also, during the Fair for each  400 or  100 spent in the Fair Shop, you'll receive Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 4 Shards of Mithril Keys, 3 Pack of Cards, 15 Platinum Thaler, 1 Trading coupon in addition to regular rewards!
  1.00 equal   4

Please note: the progress of the purchase bonus will be reset on 14.08 after the fair ends!

The Fair will be open till​ 14.08, 12:00.
Enjoy the fair, warriors!
Author: ToyBär, editor note: ToyBär

1. Deathwish 11.08.2023 12:15
Pay attention to new products: no erdur?
2. T-DeAdLY-J 11.08.2023 12:32
Should be available now
3. X-Big-Frank-X 12.08.2023 12:10
how about a update or refresh .... why doesn't it exist anymore :-/
4. -Beyonder- 12.08.2023 13:18
Your strategy to give less and less for players and focus only on your profits ­ will give you only less and less players nothing else. I wonder what other­ server left for you to merge.
5. White Walker 12.08.2023 23:22
Why no reset?
6. Vermoth 13.08.2023 14:23
Still no reset -.-
7. Yujiro Hanma 13.08.2023 15:17
why no reset?

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