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 Diamond Certificates18.08.2023 12:00

Diamonds – are a very sought-after currency that lets any warrior purchase unique and valuable goods.
Defenders of  Ogriy and  Khair! You have a unique opportunity to purchase Diamond Certificates from a Certificates Merchant on the Fairgrounds. Bankers will only sell a limited amount of certificates in one hands. City authorities already announced that you would be able to sell these certificates on Auction and Exchange.
Pay attention! The sale price of the certificates cannot be lower than the average market price on the day of sale, taking into account the trading rules of 75-125% variation of this price. All Diamond Certificates now count towards Powerlevelling Thresholds.
The certificates will be on sale till 20.07 23:59.
Sometimes in order to sell something at a good price,
one has to purchase something at a good price - good luck!
Author: ToyBär

1. H A C K E R 18.08.2023 16:25
"Pay attention! The sale price of the certificates cannot be lower than­ the average market price on the day of sale, taking into account the trading­ rules of 75-125% variation of this price" But you do not put­ any data anywhere about what is this price exactly. How do you want us to not­ break limits that we can not see ? Adding a item sale stadistic as all­ online rpgs have on their supermarket may help not just only in this matter but­ to know commun prices and not getting scammed in game. Just a tip.
2. H A C K E R 18.08.2023 16:25
supermarket = auction or whatever named on other games.
3. - Toomi - 19.08.2023 13:53
@LORD-UROBOROS , You can orientate yourself to the prices of the respective­ certificates in the auction / stock exchange and thus determine the average­ trading value

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