Being strangers to fear and fatigue, courageous warriors are fighting on the vast vicinity of the World of Faeo. The life of the defenders of
Ogriy and
Khair is made of glorious victories and defeats, they can accept both success and failure with dignity. But what is the way to highlight best of the best amid many worthy? Warlords of the continents have found a solution. They invite skilled, brave and reckless warriors to participate in «Crossed Swords» tournament!

Participate in the battles on the battlefields Arena, Temple and Crystalline Caves, fight at Plateau of Silence and Ancient Plateau! Become best of the best through victories in battles!
The tournament will be held in three stages.
During the first stage of the tournament you will have to engage in combat the worthiest warriors of both your and enemy race for leadership at the battlefields and all locations, where battles are possible. Each victory will bring a reward - Crossed Swords token.
The second stage is devoted to summarizing the results and announcing the winners. A Triumphator will be selected at each level, who will receive a special prize - artful bracers, corresponding to warriors's level.
Attention! The bracers will not be transferable!
During the third stage special shops on each continent will be opened. There all warriors that have received
Crossed Swords token will be able to exchange them for unique items.
It is high time you got prepared for the tournament.
The inhabitants of the other world will not be left without attention: you can purchase
Crossed Swords Flag and take it to the
chronicler Gelamber in Ergam in order to help the sage write the chronicle of our world. The reward for this will be a
special achievement for you, and as
soon as the chronicle is fully completed, you will have at your disposal a scroll with
one very powerful spell:
First stage of the event will take place from 13.10, 14:00 till 28.10 14:00.
Take your place at the winners' podium! Participate in the epic tournament!