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 Festive Fair of Wonders20.10.2023 12:00

What is that unusual noise that is heard on the Trade Fairs of both capitals? A squeak of bend wood, melodious sound of bowstring, a whistle of flying bows… No, that is not the exchange of fire with the enemy, that is customers trying out newly arrived goods. Exotic Fair of Wonders has started in the World of Faeo!
Pay attention to products with up to 50% discount:

Until 23.10 12:00 for every  100 diamonds or  400 gold at the Exotic Fair of Wonders you will receive 5 Pack of Cards10 Precious Forged Trunk2 Small Lost Hero’s Bag and 70 Platinum Thaler!

Exotic Fair will be open till 23.10 12:00

Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends.​
Enjoy the fair, warriors!
Author: ToyBär

31. N E R V I O 20.10.2023 17:53
delete com server, seriously
32. H A C K E R 20.10.2023 18:33
the thing is not that the pot of gold and exp elixir are now for diamonds, the­ problemhere is the price, since 1d for all players cost btw 10-12g and not 1g as­ administration will tell you beause that is the price for the game exchange (1d­ = 1g). But I totally agree with Mili, you did it on propouse not the first­ time, you didn not put those pot of gold last fair and let the life time of the­ pot of gold from the players to run out so they can not just buy 1 with diamonds­ and reset the rest. Good move, but thinking players are stupids is not that good­ when players notice that, and as you can check on comments section, players did­ notice :=) I would advise the people behind these changes to pay close­ attention to their community of players, since those are the ones who are­ financing your work. I personally dropped the paypal until I see any­ change which actually help players, stop changing evrything for diamonds, and if­ so, please addapt it to the real price of a diamond (10-12g now)
33. Altaro 20.10.2023 19:54
hmm a think time stop play this dead game..
34. jacksssss 20.10.2023 20:02
Frostbor is a good game, to change .if this game dead.
35. rybak_427 20.10.2023 20:37
Witam Smiech na sali , gra gdzie bijesz mobki tracisz czas zeby i tak­ potem spotkac na polach bitwy czerwone zbroje :) . Żart i tyle . Administracji­ naprawdę chcesz by juz nikt tu nic nie kupował ? Czy wytrzyma wasze zmiany­ serwer? Naprawdę nie potraficie inaczej zarabiac?
36. Juubito 20.10.2023 20:51
Hey hey hey but please don't forget about lag, just want take a lof of money­ and dont give back.. totally nothing. Keep going
37. Egeria- 20.10.2023 22:55
Don't be skeptical... pots cost diamonds and mobs drop diamonds. Such a nice­ change and you are complaining........................ ok, I exaggerated, sorry,­ it's the wrong game.
38. komanda 20.10.2023 23:13
admins where are the pots for gold? if you want real money, then just close this­ server. Players leave the game and after that they will leave again, believe me,­ and those who invest real money here, there are not so many of­ them!!!!
39. Taigore 21.10.2023 01:44
pot of gold, drain elixir, for diamonds? Whoever thought of it should rethink­ their job because it just killed the ambitions of the lower and middle levels.­ They have demotivated the entire community with this decision, the saddest thing­ is that they know it and we are not seeing them do anything about it. They­ should listen more to the community than to whoever came up with this bad idea.
40. -UnderWorld- 21.10.2023 04:24
Keep Pot of Gold dia only and go back to 2-3 fairs / year like in the old days­ :D
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