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 Festive Fair of Wonders21.10.2023 12:00

What is that unusual noise that is heard on the Trade Fairs of both capitals? A squeak of bend wood, melodious sound of bowstring, a whistle of flying bows… No, that is not the exchange of fire with the enemy, that is customers trying out newly arrived goods. Exotic Fair of Wonders has started in the World of Faeo!
All restrictions on the fair have been reset!
Pay attention to new products with 10% discount:

Until 23.10 12:00 for every  100 diamonds or  400 gold at the Exotic Fair of Wonders you will receive 5 Pack of Cards10 Precious Forged Trunk2 Small Lost Hero’s Bag and 70 Platinum Thaler!

Exotic Fair will be open till 23.10 12:00

Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends.​
Enjoy the fair, warriors!
Author: ToyBär

1. Bugli525 21.10.2023 13:31
I know that there are individuals here who don't think much and pay a lot­ and they will play, but others should stop playing now for half a year if such­ behavior is supposed to be normal.
2. _Wariaat_ 21.10.2023 16:01
fuck you in the ass
3. -SADHGURU- 21.10.2023 16:22
no more celebration this year?
4. UltimateNemesis 21.10.2023 16:31
All these ppl thinking its a given right to get certain things :lol: The game­ doesnt have to supply players with anything particular, its the right of the­ game owner/runners to decide. The items so many are maoning about never even­ used to exist, and many played then with no issues or complaints.
5. Yujiro Hanma 21.10.2023 17:14
please let me know if this is a one-time or permanent auction
6. Terra Incognita 21.10.2023 20:37
Word of the day is pure greed (no, that's not two words). Imo, amongst other­ things, it's obvious to everyone that the game is (sooner than you think)­ gonna die for good, thus the HiGhER pOwErS are doing their best to squeeze as­ much cash as possible until it's finished. Can't say I feel pity for­ those who 'invested' a lot of money in the game... Tbh I can only thank­ my beloved self that for the 13 years I've been here I never gave a single­ penny to this atrocity, and for a good reason.
7. Mortimer Dave 22.10.2023 07:01
Game is game. It may "live", I hope. The bad thing, is that the mankind­ of planet will end up. Reason: Aggressive, mad, savage cash pumping out, on high­ speed, all over the planet. Every day, I see many small signs of whats happening­ (the destruction on may levels of life, the fading of people and structures),­ proving that concern, and nothing can do about it.
8. Deathwish 22.10.2023 10:59
things like pot of gold and xp reductions are what make players want to rage,­ when half the time rage is ruined by lags, like right now

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