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 The Sound of Liche Coins02.11.2023 15:00

Attention:The deck can be used for 1 day after the end of the event as compensation for the overlap of the event

Many of the inhabitants of Faeo have found ritual coins scattered all around the world, and are pondering with horror the reason for their sudden appearance and what troubles await them this time.



Brave Warriors! Citizens of  Ogriy and  Khair are not able to find out  the cause of the appearance of the liche coins . Faeo is in need of your protection and help! As the coins found are somehow connected to the burial ritual and the world of the dead, we recommend you visit Shiko the Paladin, a famed fighter of the undead.

Additionally, you can gain new valueables during the event! Every day from November 1st until the end of the event, along with the daily bonus you will receive items hidden in the Knapsack of the Undead!


Please note that there were some changes in the event:

Clans are eagerly awaiting new adventures! Clan leaders will be able to complete the quest 'Not Your Average Undead,' and as a reward, they will receive the Goliath Zombie Summoning Crystal, which allows them to challenge the Goliath Zombie

For defeating the Goliath Zombie, players will receive a certain number of Mithril Palm tokens, as well as the Liche Chest.




Good luck!


- More info about the event in Game Library

- Event Schedule

- Rewards

Author: MisterFixxer, editor note: MisterFixxer

1. _Soul Reaper_ 02.11.2023 15:44
too fast event... too many at the same time ... nice work
2. --SLY-- 02.11.2023 16:17
You didn't reset the seasonal deck!!!
3. lol666 02.11.2023 16:30
Seasonal Deck reset pls....... And we are having too many events in the same­ time, hunt and gathering lagging again...... cannot hunt or gather again .-.
4. Fraggle1 02.11.2023 16:54
Ganz Großes Kino heute in Feo, Oktober Event um 11 Uhr beendet , Monatkarten­ Set vorherverwendet und Novemer Event um 15 Uhr gestartet, Anwenden Monatkartn­ Set nur 1x täglich möglich. Wo liegt der Fehler ??? Du hast die Quest­ „Der kleine Drache Urtschi begrüßt den November“ begonnen. Viel­ Erfolg! Ich werde dazu kein Ticket am den Support erstellen wird ja­ auch wenn mein Anliegen berechtigt ist abgelehnt. Hier ist der User nicht­ mehr wichtig !
5. -CyberPunk- 02.11.2023 18:06
let me have a break and drink a beer please :)
6. --SLY-- 02.11.2023 18:31
Attention:The deck can be used for 1 day after the end of the event as­ compensation for the overlap of the event - Thank You! ;o)
7. Sweet Lips 02.11.2023 19:24
Any chance of increasing the drop rate of the liche coins due to the lag? In the­ time it just took me to kill 115 monsters I used to kill 200 or more. It's­ taking 14-26 seconds between fights despite me 1 hitting. That's how bad­ it's gotten over the last couple of years even though we need more & more­ coins etc for each seasonal event :(
8. Charlie Mang 03.11.2023 03:16
Thanks, now my life has meaning
9. -Magra- 03.11.2023 08:23
Attention all: You don't have to do every event...
10. Garrax 03.11.2023 11:00
@FRaggle1 Was beschwerst du dich denn? Dafür hast du das Set einmal mehr­ beim Oktioberevent verwenden können. Bei der langen Dauer des Novemberevents­ wirst du es wohl verschmerzen können, das Monatsdeck einmal nicht aktivieren zu­ können. Gibt wahrhaftig andere Dinge, über die man eher meckern könnte. :-)
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