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Sum-up of the results of Luck Glow! | 05.07.2024 13:00 |
The benevolent Luck Glow sent down by the higher forces to the lands of Faeo has extinguished. At this time, people could benefit from the favor of changeable fortune thanks to the excitement and generous offerings... !!
The warriors of the winning race will get a strengthened Amulet of Luck as a gift. It's magic will allow you to experience the blessings of the gods three times, increasing valor and gold coins drop, as well as the armor strength for an hour.
On the other hand, the Amulet of Luck, which are given to the othe race, give such advantages only once.
Event Results
Humans 50.74%/Magmars 49.26%
This is exactly what the ratio of the number of throws between the Humans and Magmars was!
The Amulet of Luck can be received during the «Receipt of rewards» stage.
The exact time of the event can be found in the «Events» tab,
in the «Current Events» tab.
Warriors of both continents can receive the promised reward from the Well of Fortune and Mouth of Fortune at the City Squares of O'Delvays and Dartrong.
11. Jeff_Sin
05.07.2024 13:45 |
I think the numbers are wrong, that the 50.74% are for magmars and the 49.26% are for humans. |
12. Kolbielus
05.07.2024 14:46 |
Why can't I collect the amulet?
It is already written in the script that amgmers always receive a blue amulet, so if people won, do you have to take the programmer off vacation to write it again?
Is there perhaps a "recount" for the magmars to win? |
13. Ice Storm
05.07.2024 15:22 |
I got the blue amulet, and i'm human, you guys probably drank too much at lunch. Peace! |
14. vV_-DiaMonD-_Vv
05.07.2024 15:24 |
15:19 Amulet Szczęścia 1 sztAmulet Szczęścia 1 szt, Thank you for replacing it with the correct one :D |
15. --Delta--
05.07.2024 15:40 |
15:40 Received: Amulet of Luck 1 pcs...And it's BLUE!! ty |
16. Angrod Tarolom
05.07.2024 16:37 |
@Jeff_Sin. Da bekommen die Mags über 12 Monate das Blaue Amulett, und da fängt man gleich das heulen an weil es jetzt mal anders ist :D, das ist jammern auf sehr hohem Niveau :D |
17. orrin
05.07.2024 17:41 |
yep i tossed once, for urchi daily... 1g, doubled, nothing, nothin' !, and it's doubled! D T_T |
18. Jeff_Sin
05.07.2024 19:12 |
Ja, Amulette wurden ausgetauscht, hatte nun ein grünes anstatt das abgeholte blaue im Inventar.
Ihr braucht ja kein blaues Amulett, man sieht ja dass ihr genug Gold habt um im Strahlen des Glücks zu dominieren. :P |
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