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 Season of the Alchemist's Secrets!20.08.2024 12:00

The alchemists, bearers of ancient knowledge, are on the verge of a great discovery! They need your help to complete their mysterious experiments. Unlock the secrets of matter transformation, mine ingredients and help create elixirs that will change the world!

The Season of Alchemists' Secrets just has begun and is calling upon you to compete and complete a series of tasks - those who show great perseverance will receive worthy rewards!


After completing each daily task, you will earn 5-15 progress points. For every 20 points of progress, you will receive a reward, which you can claim by clicking on the “Rewards” icon or on the “Claim all available rewards” button.

Once all available rewards have been earned and the progress bar reaches 1500 points, holders of the Gold Pass will be able to receive an additional recurring reward for every 60 points of progress. By purchasing the Premium Pass, you will have the opportunity to earn additional rewards as you make progress.
Please note: tasks will be reset daily at 04:00 server time. 
So, what rewards will come with the special passes? By purchasing the Gold Pass, you will receive several useful items, including:


By purchasing the Premium Pass, you will receive additional rewards, including:
After purchasing either type of pass, you will have access to the function of opening one or more levels of progress. This will allow you to instantly obtain to the desired rewards without completing tasks. The cost of opening one individual reward level is  3.
Visit the Аlchemists in the Guild of Artisans to participate in their experiments and receive unique daily Battle Pass quests.

Help to develop a unique potion that will stay with you even after the Battle Pass ends! Every 5th step of the Battle Pass will earn you 100 alchemic elements for each pass that you own. You will also receive 30 alchemic elements for each level completed after the final chest! 

The revolution in Alchemy is near! The Season of the Alchemists' Secrets just has begun!
Author: Tigerok (DE), editor note: Tigerok (DE)

31. _haleluya_ 23.08.2024 17:45
For example, I bought a diamond pass and reached level 10. If I buy another pass­ for gold, what will happen to my progress?
32. UltimateNemesis 24.08.2024 04:13
This Battle pass is really badly thought out. The 'Kenny' task, while­ easy, takes 24hours, this means its ALWAYS going to skip 1 day of the alchemists­ tasks points being able to complete, and the task only gives 15 points not 30 to­ make up for this. Also this means you miss a day towards doing the 15 total­ tasks too, If you get this several times its going to make completeting that­ task tough when BFs hardly run even the old!! add that to the BF tasks­ and it makes finishing the pass extremely tough.
33. Lythie 24.08.2024 11:18
Adding another daily alchemy task to the pass would work. Just like­ battlefields, there should be two milestones as 0/1 and 0/2 alchemy tasks, in­ order not to make the Kenny task damaging.
34. Ogdo 25.08.2024 14:06
@UltimateNemesis Are you sure of what you are saying? I was able to take a­ new quest the next day without a problem, even though I was in the middle of­ completing the previous one. The pass progress was correctly counted after­ completing the second task on the same day.
35. --Delta-- 02.09.2024 05:08
I think the well is disabled during luck glow event. Can admin please fix that­ so we can do the "try your luck" section of the battle pass? Thanks
36. _haleluya_ 12.09.2024 14:26
I received the item Caliph Valikhara's Bag but it is not transferable.­ Although in the pass, if you hover the cursor over this item, it is not written.­ What's the problem?
37. orrin 20.09.2024 10:07
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