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 The Sound of Liche Coins02.11.2024 15:00

Attention:The deck can be used for 1 day after the end of the event as compensation for the overlap of the event

Many of the inhabitants of Faeo have found ritual coins scattered all around the world, and are pondering with horror the reason for their sudden appearance and what troubles await them this time.



Brave Warriors! Citizens of  Ogriy and  Khair are not able to find out  the cause of the appearance of the liche coins . Faeo is in need of your protection and help! As the coins found are somehow connected to the burial ritual and the world of the dead, we recommend you visit Shiko the Paladin, a famed fighter of the undead.

Additionally, you can gain new valueables during the event! Every day from November 2st until the end of the event, along with the daily bonus you will receive items hidden in the Knapsack of the Undead!


Please note that there were some changes in the event:

Clans are eagerly awaiting new adventures! Clan leaders will be able to complete the quest 'Not Your Average Undead,' and as a reward, they will receive the Goliath Zombie Summoning Crystal, which allows them to challenge the Goliath Zombie

For defeating the Goliath Zombie, players will receive a certain number of Mithril Palm tokens, as well as the Liche Chest.




Good luck!


- More info about the event in Game Library

- Event Schedule

- Rewards

Author: Showpiece, editor note: Showpiece

11. hell995 03.11.2024 14:28
@8 In the Guide to the Architect Trials u can see that the Thief got no­ candles on the weekend.
12. Krutka 03.11.2024 15:15
yep seasonal deck is bugged at day2 too.
13. SoaR 03.11.2024 15:25
season deck give nothing...
14. stiven86 03.11.2024 22:08
season deck give's true, another day doesn't work
15. Nightcrawler 04.11.2024 01:12
check season deck, two days and nothing bless an tokens
16. Sweet Lips 04.11.2024 08:01
3 days now we get nothing from Seasonal Deck - just FYI as I'm hoping it­ gets fixed & we get the missed days at end of event ;D
17. Reibeflächen 04.11.2024 09:14
Oh ha , der 2. Tag in folge wo das Monats Set nicht geht!! Warum­ solche Versprechen wenn diese nich eingehalten werden ?? Macht doch einfach­ was anderes als das Spiel zu managen!!
18. orrin 04.11.2024 10:19
Liche Amulet can be used once every 10 minutes instead of an hour, how to get­ this?
19. Sweet Lips 04.11.2024 15:24
^^ click "Use" on liche coins 20 times then go see Shiko in Royal Tomb,­ he will give you an amulet. Can repeat as many times as you want but make sure­ to collect amulet every 20 coines "burnt". Details of amulets are in the­ links above. You can just Elt Cube 20 at once but it's been a while since I­ did them so can't remember if Shiko still gives an amulet that way. I'm­ not doing event this year due to admin removing drops from the mobs I usually­ kill, so I won't be getting thousands to burn like I used to lol ;D
20. Streicholzinchen 27.11.2024 09:22
Ha ha ha , die Verlängerung vom Monats Set ist ja wohl nicht eingerichtet,­ ! Versprecht Uns doch bitte nicht was Ihr nicht einhalten könnt!!­ Warum führt Ihr die User an der Nase rum??? Naja sieht so aaus als ob der­ Betreiber keine Interesse an den Usern hat, die wohl über die Zeit immer­ weniger werden!! Kartenspiel kann während der aktiven Etappe der­ monatlichen Ereignisse verwendet werden.
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