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 Christmas Battle!27.12.2024 18:00

It is not often that the spirit of Christmas interferes with the simple joys and sorrows of the inhabitants of the world of  Magmars and  Humans. But even the magic of Christmas cannot last forever - for what is the spirit of Christmas if it is not shared, whether through warmth and kindness or through light mischief at Christmas?

The Christmas season has filled the world with light and magic, as if it had been created by Santa Claus himself. Stories are passed down from generation to generation: of the wonders of the winter holidays, of Santa's generosity and of the magic that envelops Feo at this time of year. But even the stories can sometimes be deceptive...

With the arrival of the almighty  SantaHumanus in the world, a dark evil has awoken. From the dark depths, far away from the light,  SantaMagmarus has awoken from his slumber, an ancient enemy with only one goal — to destroy all the magic of the festival. 

During the Magical Storm on the Plateau of Silence, remain alert as this event will have a special twist. The wicked and evil  SantaMagmarus will take to battle, calling all  Magmars for their support in overthrowing the virtuous,   SantaHumanus, and changing the course of history. However,  SantaHumanus shall not fight alone – he has entrusted the  Human race with his safety, to triumph and put an end to the rampage.

 SantaMagmarus will emerge from his slumber on 28.12, 18:00.

At 18:00, a large-scale battle will begin, open to players of all levels! The battle is divided into three stages, and each group can only participate at a certain time!

  18:00  18:10 18:20
1 - 10 Level x    
11- 15 Level   x  
16 - 20 Level     x


Also, you will get 2The Gift of Christmas after teleporting to the Plateau.

All invisibility effects will be removed upon teleporting to the location!
Until 19:00 , the rules of great battles will be disabled for this fight.
In the location where the Christmas battles will take place, experience gain will be disabled for 6 hours!

The details of his plans remain a mystery, however one thing is for certain – all those who participate will be rewarded for their efforts.


One   Human and one Magmar of each level who deal the highest damage during the battle will receive special prizes. The Santas will distribute Christmas Gear Coin!


Begin your preparations. You are fighting for your future after all!

Author: Showpiece, editor note: Showpiece

11. Baltazar_Blake 28.12.2024 18:21
in the battle one magmar attack me, i lose, and i go again for the great­ batlle..and i can not join :(
12. Homodej 28.12.2024 18:25
Hey very great when you leave that location because nothing happens there : You­ have already participated in the battle :(
13. Myxir 28.12.2024 18:25
I have the same situation. Rigged as always...
14. Baltazar_Blake 28.12.2024 18:29
15. Baltazar_Blake 28.12.2024 18:29
16. BloodyRaven 28.12.2024 18:29
Great is ONE big chaos. :(:(:(:(:(
17. Juubito 28.12.2024 18:31
Please, don t do this again
18. Vaylinor 28.12.2024 18:36
What a Joke. Ich komme ebenfalls nicht rein. Und wenn ich es versuche, werde ich­ komplett aus dem Spiel geschmissen. Es gibt alternative Great Battles. Was soll­ das? Das heißt, diejenigen, die pro Level den meisten Schaden machen, bekommen­ einen besonderen Preis? Das sind dann wohl nur diejenigen, die überhaupt­ reingekommen sind!
19. Baltazar_Blake 28.12.2024 18:36
As it is a battle, if you have already been in it, you cannot re-enter, I­ don't see the reason why they close the instance. If a high level enemy­ attacks us and we die, all our blessing is for nothing because we cannot enter,­ it is pointless. Anyway, I hope the next solution is there. Thanks
20. Tross Cross 28.12.2024 18:40
Unable to join , really fk game
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