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Love is in the Air | 14.02.2025 15:00 |
If you smell a scent of spring in the air when it is still winter in the calendar, if a smile involuntarily appears on your face, if brave warrioresses or warriors seem to you incredibly pretty – it means that, St. Valentine's Day is soon to come! Hurry to Tindoline the Fairy – winged sorceress, who will lead you through the mysterious paths of love and help you find your second half! Eventhough Fairy's tasks may be hard at times - can that really be an obstacle for a true warrior?
You shouldn't trust Tindoline with everything! You yourself can become a bringer of great news and tenderness. Equip yourself with Cupid's Bow and go hunt for lonely hearts! The more arrows will reach their targets, the better! Each shot gifts you with a gift of being able to collect Fragrant Kiss Flowers!
Earn unique achievements which you will be able to brag about among your friends! What is more, you will be able to make neat bouquets with Fragrant Kiss Flowers and give them to the local beauties. All female NPC of the World of Feao will be ready to receive this marvellous gift from you, in return they will award you with achievements and other gifts!
Additionally, you will gain Carved Heart during the event! Every day from January the 16th until the start of the rewards stage, along with the daily bonus you will receive 1 Carved Heart!
In addition, now you may complete the quest «Strange Sickness of Heart». Visit Cagliostro the Alchemist or Veddun the Alchemist to start it!
Also you may purchase Battle flowers in the Curiosities shop. With it's help you'll be able to complete new achievements! But keep in mind: this can only be done during the active stage of the event!
Please note: Adventures await the clans! Clan leaders can complete the adventure “Love Robbers”. The reward for doing so is Belinda the Sorceress’ Summoning Crystal, which you can use to fight the sorceress Belinda.
The quest “Love Robber” can be completed once a day, and the reward for killing Belinda can be received daily.
For completing the quest "The February Oddities Problem," which you can take from CGrildo the Trader and Mukhmor the Trader, you will receive a unique potion.
But that's not all: the new quests “Heart Full of Love” and “No Barring the Path of True Love” are available for players from level 5. To accept the first quest, visit Caliph Valikhara in Mystras. For the second, you will need to visit Langri the Consecrator or Master the Consecrator in the Wedding Chapel (if you have the following profession levels: Executioner - from level 89, Healer - from level 6, Locksmith - from level 89).
Please note: In the quest “No Barring the Path of True Love”, owners of a complete set of items that grant you fear can receive an alternative - an accelerated completion of the quest.
A new set of achievements awaits you!
Completing the “Lord of Hearts” achievement will earn you the Love Bag of Scalps!
And completing the “Fighting for Love” quest 14 and 35 times will reward you with Love Bags of Scalps - 5 and 10 respectively!
In addition, please note that the requirements and rewards for already known quests have been updated:
Please note: The list of rewards in the Love Shop has been updated!
Don't hide your feelings, tell your loved ones that you love them! Have a great and merry day!
1. Sweet Lips
14.02.2025 16:42 |
Ahem, Typo!! - Every day from January the 16th until the start of the rewards stage, along with the daily bonus you will receive 1 Carved Heart! |
2. Sweet Lips
14.02.2025 16:47 |
Oh nice - Bouquet of Discord Quest now costs 3x more for only 2x the hearts. No idea about the others but my guess is inflation has hit those too! ;p |
3. -Gall-
14.02.2025 18:30 |
Пройдено: Добудьте 2 сбора белладонны и 60 желчи скорпиона или 4 сбора омелы и 60 желчи скорпиона и отнесите все друиду.
18:29 Получено: Отворотные капли 1 шт. Изъято: Желчь скорпиона 60 шт, Сбор омелы 8 шт.
И почему 8 сборов забрали? |
4. Sweet Lips
14.02.2025 18:46 |
^^ Mine says:- Obtain 2 portions of Collected Belladonna and 60 portions of Scorpion Bile, or 8 pieces Collected Mistletoe and 60 portions Scorpion Bile, then take everything to the Druid. - But he won't accept them even though I have 64 collected Mistletoe & 480 Scorpion Bile in my backpack ready for 8 days :( |
5. Sweet Lips
14.02.2025 18:47 |
Darn - I thought Arnbag wanted them - no, the druid in Wolf Wasteland DOH!!! (sorry) |