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 Winter Marathon!18.02.2025 13:00

The winter wind plays with the drifting snow, viciously whipping the banners and trying to creep into the gaps of armor. The best way to keep warm during this season is to rush into the flames of battle. Especially now, as the Winter Marathon begins, and your deeds will be generously rewarded! The Winter marathon is here for the next 14 days!

Over the next 14 days, an assortment of tasks await you, the completion for which will bring you a special currency - Winter Season Marathon Coin! Collect as many of these coins as possible and hurry to the City Fairgrounds, where you can exchange them for a range of valuable goods!

Personal tasks include a variety of activities:
Winter Marathon - Killing monsters IWinter Marathon - Killing monsters IIWinter Marathon - Killing monsters IIIWinter Marathon - Killing monsters IVWinter Marathon - Killing monsters VWinter Marathon - Killing monsters VIWinter Marathon - Killing monsters VIIWinter Marathon - Killing monsters VIIIWinter Marathon - Killing monsters IXWinter Marathon - Killing monsters X
Winter Marathon - Kill superbeings IWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings IIWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings IIIWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings IVWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings VWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings VIWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings VIIWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings VIIIWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings IXWinter Marathon - Kill superbeings X
Winter Marathon - Battlefield IWinter Marathon - Battlefield IIWinter Marathon - Battlefield IIIWinter Marathon - Battlefield IVWinter Marathon - Battlefield VWinter Marathon - Battlefield VIWinter Marathon - Battlefield VIIWinter Marathon - Battlefield VIIIWinter Marathon - Battlefield IXWinter Marathon - Battlefield X
Winter Marathon - Resource gathering IWinter Marathon - Resource gathering IIWinter Marathon - Resource gathering IIIWinter Marathon - Resource gathering IVWinter Marathon - Resource gathering VWinter Marathon - Resource gathering VIWinter Marathon - Resource gathering VIIWinter Marathon - Resource gathering VIIIWinter Marathon - Resource gathering IXWinter Marathon - Resource gathering X
Winter Marathon - Tribute IWinter Marathon - Tribute IIWinter Marathon - Tribute IIIWinter Marathon - Tribute IVWinter Marathon - Tribute VWinter Marathon - Tribute VIWinter Marathon - Tribute VIIWinter Marathon - Tribute VIIIWinter Marathon - Tribute IXWinter Marathon - Tribute X
Winter Marathon: StartWinter Marathon: ExperiencedWinter Marathon: Leader
The Winter Marathon has moved to the Battle Pass section, and now everyone can track their personal progress! Also, your rewards will no longer depend on the server completing tasks but on your own personal achievements!
To obtain Winter Marathon Gold Pass and unlock access to rewards, you must complete one task from each category and earn the special achievement Winter Marathon: Beginning!
Winter Marathon: Start
💠 Rewards for participation:
🔹 Each achievement grants 10 Winter Season Marathon Coin.
🔹 For every 10 achievements, you receive a Marathon Chest.
🔹 If you complete the Battle Pass early and then finish the remaining marathon tasks, you will receive an additional Overflow Winter Season Marathon Chest.
🔹 Winter Marathon Premium Pass will double your marathon rewards!
🔹 The Winter Marathon Reward Shop opens immediately after the marathon ends and remains available for 7 days!

Please note: Superbeings from the Abode of Eternal Ice do not contribute towards the marathon!
From the start and until the end of the marathon, players from level 5 to 20 will be able to participate in Meridian Vaults. Players will compete against others within their own level group. Players between level 5-15 will receive a random set of equipment on the battlefield. Normal rules will apply to players of level 16+ and above.
Please note: The participation cost for Meridian Vaults has been changed!
 for level 16-20 players.

 50   for level 11-15 players.
75  for level 5-10 players.
Please note: injuries will be automatically healed after combat on the battle server.

As a well-deserved reward for victory, you will receive Midday Reward Chest, and for defeat - Small Midday Award Chest. Please note: without the Midday coin of Good Luck token, you can only receive three Midday Reward Chests per day.
Please note: personal tasks can be completed until 13:00 on 04.03.
Join your friends, complete tasks and compete in combat. Special rewards await you this winter!
Author: Tigerok (DE), editor note: Tigerok (DE)

31. Sweet Lips 19.02.2025 13:19
🔹 Each achievement grants 10 Winter Season Marathon Coin. -­ LIE!!!
32. -Tex- 19.02.2025 13:55
13:46 You received item Araque the Inextinguishable. 13:48 You received­ item Araque the Inextinguishable. i get ike 7 Unsuccesfull Procurement­ :) and is not the first time, even with curses i never get this­ "lucky". And when not Unsuccesfull Procurement is lagging for­ 1-2 min :)))))) for 1 gather to another
33. Bismarck Tiger 19.02.2025 14:49
Does anyone from the administration even read the entries posted here? Can­ someone from the administration go to Mystras and try to gather some resources?­ Stones, fish, or plants. Please, someone fix resource extraction, because­ it's one big failure. Czy ktoś z administracji czyta w ogóle­ wpisy tutaj umieszczone? Czy ktoś z administacji, może podejść do Mystras i­ spróbowac zebrać jakieś zasoby? Kamienie, ryby, czy rośliny. Proszę, aby­ ktoś naprawił wydobywanie surowców, bo to jest jedna, wielka porażka.
34. ssaiyan 19.02.2025 17:41
they did it on purpose to make the game more difficult during the marathon
35. Ogdo 19.02.2025 19:02
Could someone explain how do we "overflow" the marathon pass? 5­ achievements x 10 milestones is exactly 50 points Are there any bonuses­ e.g. for completing all 10 steps in each category? Otherwise we won't be­ able to overflow the pass so what would be the point of showing us such­ possibility?
36. Resmmeee 19.02.2025 19:19
@up you can unlock rewards with diamonds, so every unlocked with diamonds can be­ then overflown
37. ----MP---- 19.02.2025 20:57
fix the picking resurses:(its so hard to do jors jobe
38. -TIMARIUS- 19.02.2025 21:26
Lag lag lag :son:
39. Tsukone 19.02.2025 22:11
What kind of aries came up with this stupid Battle Pass, they only make the game­ harder, they would be fed up with all these bugs instead of making the game more­ and more complicated
40. Zeitlos 20.02.2025 01:50
I have to concur with #20 here, the only change is to do more superbeings (and­ let's be honest, since even Balthasar counts, that part was be far the­ easiest before), the rest is exactly the same: just do one task of each category­ and BP is activated, where you can collect your coins. Next try 5 tasks for each­ category (also not that hard: 250 Mystras mobs give 0 EP, some donations are­ quite cheap, battlefields needn't be won, hopefully collecting in Mystras­ will be fixed soon), that gives you the first 2 chests and some druid coins.­ Then go from there. This is a fine and well balanced event, it's fair­ towards hardcore 24/7 players as well as casual ones.
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