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 Chaotic Romantic Battles!14.02.2025 17:00

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls;
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do that dares love attempt;
Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me.

Love magic has wrapped the Scorched Lands, bringing forth special rules and rewards. During the event, the valor coefficient for Chaotic Battle increases:
  • For winners: +300% (previously +200%);
  • For losers: +200% (previously +150%).

But that's not all: winners will receive a Carved Heart, Love Bag of Scalps and Platinum Thaler as a reward!
The event will start on 14.02 at 17:00 and end on 17.02 at 11:00.

Warriors! Draw your blades in preparation for the hot romantic battle!
Author: Showpiece, editor note: Tigerok (DE)

1. Moonbright 14.02.2025 18:57
The message system to enter in the chaotics is not appearing in the chat, please­ fix. The workaround is to confirm participation from­ Battlefields->Chaotic
2. Littel Knight 15.02.2025 19:06
Thanks for good battle !
3. Burning_Frog 15.02.2025 19:14
19:04 The battle « Chaotic battle» was interrupted. :ogo: what happend there?­ today? Lvl 9 Battle just endet midfight, and i stood there not dead and no­ ongoing fight :O
4. -GÓRALEK- 15.02.2025 19:14
what should I do with the blessings after this wonderful fight?
5. shockx 15.02.2025 21:12
the same with chaotick 15 lvl, i had fibula and what i can do now???
6. shockx 15.02.2025 21:14
and i cant go out from chaotik... message is: Dopóki znajdujesz się pod­ wpływem fibuli, nie możesz opuścić Spalonych Ziemi! ... that means you­ cannot go out with fibula... im here for a few hours now...

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