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Brave defenders of Ogriy and Khair! Bankers of Faeo have good news for all those who have Lucky Investment cerificates!
From 00:00 07.08 and until 23:59 8.08 every owner of a certificate can receive a gift for the mere fact of its activation!
Use this chance to increase your wealth!
Warriors! Many of you have long been fighting in the Ancient Temple and know the rules of this ancient battlefield well. But today something incredible has happened! The magical elements seemed to rebel in the depths of the Temple, giving rise to a real storm! This outrage of the elements has changed the usual rules, when you enter the Battlefield you will receive 10 Gift of Power blessings while the Magical Storm lasts in the Temple of the Chosen!
Winning battles against other players, you can lose these blessings. One blessing is lost for each opponent who has received more damage from you than from any other participant, as a result of your fight won by your team (similar to the rules of trophy hunters reputation).
This rule works during the whole duration of this copy of the Ancient Temple, or until the victory of one of the parties. Every time you start a new battle in the new Temple, you will receive ten Gifts of Power again.
You will also have double valor and no-break during the weekend in the Ancient Temple!
And for the battles to be even more fascinating, the sale of valuable items has began in the Premium Shop. It will last until 11:00 09.08
Don't waste time, hurry up to fight in the Ancient Temple, while the Magical Storm lasts and experience the power of the Gifts of Power!
Merchants will put up for sale Especially Precious and Precious Forged Trunks and cordially invite all of you to purchase these unique goods at City Fairs of Dartrong and O’Delvays!
At the bottom of precious chests you can find many useful things: medallions for summoning pets and amulets of battle mages, chess pieces, combat elixirs and other valuable goods.
For every 200 or 400 spent in the Precious Chests Shop, you will receive items, listed below:
With Best bank client certificate you will see the Special offer tab in the Precious Chests Shop and favorable conditions for exchanging diamonds in the Bank!
Precious chests sale will be over on 23:59 08.08!
Defenders of Faeo, trust your fate - you won't be disappointed! Buy especially precious trunks and receive valuable and useful goods! May the contents of the coffers help you on your way to new victories and deeds!
UPD: All restrictions have been reset!
Path to the kingdom of doubles and reflections was reputed to be blocked by the surface of mirrors. Yet now heavenly bodies are positioned in a special way, that the boundaries are no longer sealed!
This rare opportunity was instantly used by mirror-world spirits, who want to own all gold in the world. Don't be afraid of hostile invasion though. spirits will only offer warriors to play a game. When you pay 50, you'll be able to receive one of the many valuable items, from the mirror-world, or even amazing artefacts, that couldn't be obtained in any other way. You can get unique rare prizes, as well as other topical awards for participating in the event.
Now you can purchase the Reflection Chest in the Premium Shop! (in the Promotions tab). Keep in mind that opening this chest doesn't affect your progress in the Magic Mirror game. You can purchase a new chest for gold or for diamonds.
You can purchase these chests until 6.08, 23:59.
Hurry and test your luck warriors!
The benevolent Luck Glow sent down by the higher forces to the lands of Faeo has extinguished. ..
Who has earned the blessing of the changeable fortune thanks to their excitement and generous offerings this time? How close were the representatives of each race to each other? Read more information in the news...
Warriors of both continents can receive the promised reward from the Well of Fortune and Mouth of Fortune at the City Squares of O'Delvays and Dartrong.
Inhabitants of Faeo are already used to the fact that magical anomalies sometimes occur in various battlefields and change their rules radically. These anomalies are called magic storms. Right now a Magical Storm broke out in the Arena!
Fights on the arena will be held 1 on 1 to score 3 points! Additionally, the storm causes the appearance of Fire Vortexs and Icy Vortexs in all battles.
You will also have no-break during the event on Arena!
Prove that you are a winner, no matter the rules!
Banks of Ogriy and Khair value and love their clients, because mutual respect is the foundation on which beneficial to both parties relations are built! Anyone who trades in diamonds will have a pleasant surprise...
With a one-time 49 diamonds for gold exchange in the bank you will receive an additional reward! Hurry up! After all, bankers can change their minds...
There will be enough gifts for everyone!
Warriors! Smugglers’ accomplices are spreading rumors that Gloum and Chigrik have gotten hold of rare items, which they are willing to sell in the Smuggling shop.
Gloum and Chigrik offer rare items that range from gnomish treasures to the hearts of mighty Kroffdors and Eldives. Some claim that they have seen items that belonged to General UyarrMO himself! Pay attention to the changes of the offer!
This time each bag additionally contains one of the following items:
For each 100 diamonds spent in the Smuggling shop, you will receive the following items:
The sale will last from 12:00 02.08 until 23:59 03.08.
Don't miss the chance to get unique goods!
Diamonds, that shine under the rays of Mirrow, are rightfully considered to be the most valuable currency of the world of Faeo. Warriors with the handful of diamonds can open many doors, and tradesmen will be glad to offer rarest goods. Now you can receive valuable and important goods for the mere fact of purchasing diamonds, without actually spending them!
Warriors! Starting from 11:00 02.08 and till 23:59 06.08 when purchasing diamonds, during the special offer, you will receive gifts! There are 21 valuable gifts, which you will receive one by one for each 25 you buy.
IMPORTANT! You can now do that in multiple purchases - your reward will unlock after the sum of your purchases is greater than 25! After receiving one prize, you will receive the next one after purchasing another 25 diamonds in total. Remember that you don't have to spend the diamonds to get the rewards!
Hurry - this offer is limited in time!
The elders that restlessly observe the Well of Fortune and Mouth of Fortune in the continents' capitals brought good news to the people of Faeo. They found out that now and then the fire in the bottomless split burns brighter than usual, while the calm water of the well is covered by impenetrable fog.
Attention! With every donation of gold coins or diamonds, you increase your chance of earning the Fish Bones Token!
Don't miss the moment when Luck Glow shines over Faeo!