From all over the world, merchants have arrived at the City Fair Grounds, offering unusual items to the residents of Faeo. Only at the Weaponsmithy you can find the unique artifacts and items, brought from the distant and mysterious Otherworld.
You can buy goods from the other world for golden coins and if you don't need them - return them at the same day: the merchants will buy back the moulds for 0,75 golden coins. Moreover, you can always buy magic moulds for diamonds at the Premium Shop for half the price! However, keep in mind: if you want to return the unused goods to the merchants, the payment for them will be in golden coins!
The sale at Weaponsmithy will last till 12:00 21.01 the merchants will leave the Trade Fair Grounds and go in search for the new wonders, that is why you should not miss your chance to acquire the enchanted moulds.
Magic Moulds of the Otherworld – guarantee your victory in any battle
Valiant warriors! Mages of Faeo, while closely studying the phenomenon of sporadic storms in different parts of the world, found out that a similar storm is about to break out in the Crystalline Caves!
Additionally, the changes that the storm will introduce into the usual rules of this battlefield have been revealed! So you now have time to pepare.
You will also have double valor, non-trauma and no-break during the Magical Storm in Crystalline Caves!
And for the battles to be even more fascinating, the sale of valuable items has began in the Premium Shop. It will last until 10:00 20.01
Will you have the courage to enter the vaults of the Crystalline Caves during the Magical Storm when the time comes?
Diamonds – are a very sought-after currency that lets any warrior purchase unique and valuable goods.
Defenders of Ogriy and Khair! You have a unique opportunity to purchase Diamond Certificates in the Premium Shop. Bankers will only sell a limited amount of certificates in one hands. City authorities already announced that you would be able to sell these certificates on Auction and Exchange.
Pay attention! Power Leveling Thresholds are not applied when selling diamond certificates: seller sets a price according to the demand on the item.
The certificates will be on sale till 19.01 23:59.
Sometimes in order to sell something at a good price,
one has to purchase something at a good price - good luck!
It's Purge Time!
Warriors be aware! Elders have asked Jesters to reintroduce the Faeon Purging Event.
Warriors! Start your preparations now to be ready for the slaughter!
Merchants have put up for sale Especially Precious and Precious Forged Trunks and cordially invite all of you to purchase these unique goods at City Fairs of Dartrong and O’Delvays!
At the bottom of precious chests you can find many useful things: medallions for summoning pets and amulets of battle mages, chess pieces, combat elixirs and other valuable goods.
In addition, for every 75 or 150 spent in the Precious Chests Shop, you will receive 65 Platinum Thaler, Best bank client certificate (if you didn't receive it yet) and one of the items, listed below:
With Best bank client certificate you will see the Special offer tab in the Precious Chests Shop and favorable conditions for exchanging diamonds in the Bank!
Precious chests sale will be over on 23:59 18.01!
Defenders of Faeo, trust your fate - you won't be disappointed! Buy especially precious trunks and receive valuable and useful goods! May the contents of the coffers help you on your way to new victories and deeds!
After a suicide mission to rescue Ban Coolo from the UyarrMo, the Underground Knights dispatch to the Plateau of Silence to destroy the second Chaos Gate. Meanwhile, Nuke struggles help the Black Knight return from a chaos spell, without falling into Poseidopus' trap.
At the same time Elder Ben Kobi has sent Neia to fight her way into the deep Swirling Mists to convince the Chosen to support them in their war against the Chaos.
We wish to entertain you!
Inhabitants of Faeo are already used to the fact that magical anomalies sometimes occur in various battlefields and change their rules radically. These anomalies are called magic storms. Right now a Magical Storm broke out in the Arena!
Fights on the arena will be held 1 on 1 to score 3 points! Additionally, the storm causes the appearance of Fire Vortexs and Icy Vortexs in all battles.
For the first 3 wins you will receive bonus Trophy Hunters reputation. And for the 3rd win you will receive 1 Mithril Key and 500 Erdur Ore!
You will also have double valor and no-break during the event on Arena!
Prove that you are a winner, no matter the rules!
Brave Warriors! Merchants have put up for sale Especially Precious and Precious Forged Trunks!
You can find Precious Chests in the Premium Shop, the sale will be over on 15.01, 11:00.
Defenders of Faeo, trust your fate - you won't be disappointed! Buy especially precious trunks and receive valuable and useful goods!
Warriors! Replenish your account with diamonds and receive rewards that many Ogriy and Khair inhabitants dream of!
The offer will last from 13.01, 10:00 till 14.01, 23:59.
Use this profitable opportunity to become stronger!
Our Socializers present: The War of Dragons YouTubers!
Today Socializers announce the most successful Warofdragons Video Creators in 2019. All TOP5 YouTubers* will receive some nice rewards.
Thank you to all our YouTubers!