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 Genies Sanctuaries: Beauty and Wisdom!05.12.2024 13:01

The distant mountain of Mystras continues to reveal its secrets. Now that you have earned the trust of the locals, you can enter the sanctum sanctorum of the djinn tribe. This is their sanctuary, where priceless magical relics are collectedThe gates have opened and you may enter the sanctuary, where fateful encounters await you!

Elendiyar the Keeper knows the way there, and the Caliph himself has great faith in you to restore this sacred place, which has been damaged by the invasion of the subterranean creatures. Through a series of new quests, you will gradually restore the power of the djinn relics. In return, the relics will reveal their wondrous properties that can change your destiny!
Limbo of MystrasLimbo of Mystras - The Cursed BurrowLimbo of Mystras - The Calamitous CavernsLimbo of Mystras - Corridors of Ashes

In addition, the sanctuary gives you access to a new instance - the Limbo of Mystras. These are very strange catacombs where you have to eliminate challenging troops from the underworld. Those who manage to do this in a limited time will receive increased rewardsThe rewards include: Reputation with the Inhabitants of Mystras from 10 to 45 (depending on the difficulty of the instances), but no more than 100 reputation units per week, Datkhar from 1000 to 13000 per run, but no more than 20000 per week, as well as Djinnar and gold coins!

However, it's not just the genies that need your help! Mandragora Almandra and Mushroom Sheik Fattar are looking for loyal followers. Helping Mandragora will earn you the reputation of Guardians of Beauty, while completing the mushroom's tasks will earn you the reputation of Seekers of Wisdom. Both paths promise valuable rewards and exciting adventures, but be aware that attempting both at once will not please the reputation leaders.

Increasing one reputation inevitably leads to a decrease in the other. So choose wisely which to join — the Wise or the Beautiful.

Please note important updates: 
  • A new talent has become available, the codices for which can be purchased at the Old Lamp store;
  • Influence in the lands of the Genies is now available and can be increased with the Book of Fates (available after completing the quest to restore the Sanctuary) and through upcoming events. 

The quest chain to restore the Djinn Sanctuary is available to players who have reached level 5 and begins with Elendiyar the Keeper.

The sacred mountain of Mystras awaits you, warriors! Its wonders and treasures are truly inexhaustible!
Author: Showpiece, editor note: Tigerok (DE)

1. Ice Storm 04.12.2024 14:04
2. KW4 04.12.2024 14:17
Big W!!
3. Jack Reacher 04.12.2024 18:28
If You don't know. When You don't login in to game (2 months), you can­ take chest for backiing warrior. Include all of this talents, a lot of elixirs,­ brecels, 10000 truth crystal and a lot of more
4. -Tex- 06.12.2024 11:32
can you fix the lagging at mystrass? 1 min to gather a green­ plant? 11:27 You received item Alva the Well-behaved. 11:29 You­ received item Alva the Well-behaved. 11:30 You received item Alva the­ Well-behaved.
5. _Sasza_ 07.12.2024 22:45
nie róbcie tego reputacja dla brylantów tylko nie da sie normalnie wbijac­ zrobione wszystko pod wplacajacych moby maja szaleńczo duzo hp słabi nawet w 5­ nie dadzą rady admini przesadzili nas olewaja
6. _Sasza_ 07.12.2024 22:50
dodam tak włśnie pozbywacie sie graczy ale wasz wybór popsuliście całąte­ gre i pisze prawde na ruskim servie jest całkiem inaczej powodzenia bo wiem ze­ to zniknie i mnie zbanuja

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