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 Archivists Newsletter25.01.2025 12:00

Warriors, the Library has seen many exciting changes over the past few months. From new additions to updates and small fixes, the  Archivists have been working hard to ensure it's better than ever. Let's take a closer look at what's been happening.




In October, the  Heralds welcomed a new Head, Plueschdrache, and since then, the work has been in full swing! We have published 15 new articles, 40 updates, and fixed small errors on 37 pages in both COM and DE Libraries. Here are some highlights:





Everyone has been eagerly waiting for the Mystras update, and the Archivists have made sure that you can find all the important information in the Library. We have written new articles about the three new reputations: Guardians of Beauty, Seekers of Wisdom, and the Inhabitants of Mystras, we have added those reputations to the Reputation Rating page as well.


But that's not all - two more new pages were created: Mystras Bestiary and Influence. The Mystras Talents article now has more detailed information about all the skills and resources gathering in Mystras. We have also added the new NPCs from the Sanctuary to the Mystras Inhabitants page.






Red runes from the "Awakening of Magic" were introduced to the game, and we have updated the Library accordingly. You can now find an overview of the red runes, information on where to obtain them, how to temper, and set bonuses in the Runes for Armour article. We have also made changes improve readability and make finding the runes you're looking for easier. And if you're looking to improve your purple runes to the red ones, make sure to check our Blacksmith's Shop page!






Three new event articles have been added to our Library: Secrets of the Three, Gathering Tournament, and Bracelet for the Friend. We have also updated the Carnival of Masks and Star Shower guides, adding new content, quest descriptions, achievements, and useful hints. Based on your feedback, we have made changes to the Trading Journey page.



We have been updating the seasonal events, too. October, November, December, January - those pages now include new and missing quests and rewards. Information about the Genie Banners was also added to the Seasonal Rewards article.






We have updated the Chaotic Battles atricle - it now explains in more details how chaotics work, it also includes the schedule of the battles and information on fibulas.



Some changes have been made to the reputations articles. The Celestial Valley of the Gnomes guide was completely reworked, with detailed information added about quests, ticket exchange, rewards, cards, and achievements. We have also updated the Brotherhood of Virtue, Relic Seekers, Hunters of Fortune, Mystic, and Mercenaries articles.



And that's not all - head over to our forum thread to see more updates:


See All Library Changes





We are writing a new article about Patches, updating the Pets articles, and preparing for new events. We have also started working on creating a list of Elt Cube recipes. And that's only a fraction of what we have planned for the next months!



We are are constantly working on updating articles in the Library, fixing any errors that we can find, and writing new guides. If you find any article that might need an update or you have an idea for an article that would make a good addition to the Library, let us know:


Library Feedback


Stay tuned for more updates from the  Archivists Team!


Author: Liusaidh, editor note: Liusaidh

1. KARA EJDERHA 25.01.2025 13:28
I am grateful. You're doing a great job ! And thanks for the elt cube­ recipes in the next updates ^^
2. Toge 25.01.2025 17:26
great to hear :)
3. sfinge 25.01.2025 18:14
4. lagartha 25.01.2025 22:22
great job^^
5. Zeitlos 26.01.2025 01:43
It must be a Sisyphean task, and I for one do not take it for granted that you­ tackle it. My thanks and respect. I hope you get an appropriate compensation for­ it.
6. -TIMARIUS- 26.01.2025 02:13
Removed the puzle for hunt please!!
7. orrin 28.01.2025 23:51
thank you and +1 to #6, debuff 10 min, buff only 5 min...
8. orrin 01.02.2025 00:42
00:38 You have not passed the test, and Shiko the Paladin puts you under­ special notice. 00:38 Received: Warrior's Apathy -30% (5­ minutes) so Shiko is... wow now stepping into some finance biz, ooh~
9. orrin 01.02.2025 00:42
to #7 which is myself, debuff 5 min now it seems, i think i saw a 10 min once...

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