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 Newsletter from Heralds18.06.2021 18:00

Warriors! In the recent days we have been cleaning up the Guides section of the library. The guides are now grouped thematically - we hope it will make it easier and faster to find them in the library.

We are are constantly working on updating articles in the Library, fixing any errors that we can find, and writing new guides. If you find any article that might need an update or you have an idea for an article that would make a good addition to the Librarylet us know!
Stay tuned for more updates from the  Archivist Team!
Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

 Newsletter from Heralds26.05.2021 17:00

Warriors! A couple of months have passed since our last update. During this time Heralds' Archivists have worked hard to bring you new guides and Library updates. Today we present to you the results of our work!
Stay tuned for more updates from the Archivists Team!
Author: Clover-  More (comments: 5)

 Winners - Fashion Wreck25.05.2021 18:00

 Jesters proudly present the winners of the "Fashion Wreck" competition.



 Jesters really did enjoy sawing your idea about Fashion made in Faeo and cannot wait for the next event to see more of your creativity.

 A big Thank you to all participants ! 

Author: Clover-  More (comments: 1)

 Winners Las Wodas - Art contest02.04.2021 18:00

 Jesters proudly present the winners of the "Las WoDas-Arts" competition.



 Jesters really did enjoy sawing your idea about how to turn Faeo into a Gamble Paradise and cannot wait for the next event to see more of your creativity.

 A big Thank you to all participants ! 

Author: Clover-  More (comments: 1)

 April’s Fools Week31.03.2021 17:00

This week the Jesters are giving you the opportunity to "P v P race" in our April’s fools week in our forum. Every day of this week there will be riddles, puzzles and other brain teasers, challenging you to solve them within in 30 minutes after being posted.



But …

… it will be a "P v P race". Any player, the challenger, may post a riddle, puzzle or brain teaser according to the theme of that day. And now the race begins: if the task is correctly solved by another player, the solution finder, within 30 minutes, this player will be the winner. If not, the challenger will have won this round. To make it even more interesting it will be a competition between the races. If a Magmar posts a question, only Humans are allowed to answer and vice versa.

On your marks …  get set … ASK!

Author: Clover-  More (comments: 7)

 Heralds News11.03.2021 16:00

Warriors! Over the last few months Heralds' Archivists have worked hard to bring you new guides and Library updates. Today we present to you the results of our work!
Stay tuned for more updates from the Heralds Team!
Author: Clover-  More (comments: 15)

 Last one is the winner06.07.2020 19:00

Are you up for a new challenge? Jesters invite you to take part on their version of Last one is the winner!



Five threads will be opened at the same time in our forum. Each thread closes at a different time. You will find the five closing time below, but you will not know which thread closes at what time. The last one who posted a valid entry in each thread will win 20x Talent Coin which can be exchanged in the Jester's Shops in the City Fairs for valuable items. 


Check out our forum and try your luck!  

Author: Acconitum  More (comments: 6)

 Jesters Delight15.06.2020 18:01

 Jesters present the most important Headlines around Faeo!



Find out what is happening in the World of Faeo in our latest edition of  Jesters Delight Edition 03/2020

 Enjoy the lecture!

Author: Acconitum  More (comments: 6)

 The Arrival of a new race15.06.2020 18:00

The night was stormy, the lightening threatening and the thunder gave a notice of the things to come. Faeon warriors,  Human and  Magmars were watching the sky with mixed feelings. Some were motionless in fear, others rather curious and many got themselves prepared to welcome a new enemy with their weapons.



With another ear deafening bang, the far western horizon split open and another world appeared before the eyes of the people of  Khair and  Ogriy. The split opened more and more, and this new world, slow but unstoppable, merged in to the world of Faeo. From this moment on everyone knew, the life as they have known, would never be the same.


We wish a wonderful time creating the new race visiting the world of Faeo!

Author: Acconitum  More (comments: 4)

 Summertime09.06.2020 18:00

Summertime - The ideal season for your honeymoon! If you plan to propose to a special person now and get married within a certain period ...



... Jesters and  Consecrators will offer you and your spouse a little reward. 


Start your life full of love in Faeo!

Author: Acconitum  More (comments: 11)

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