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„Oh well,” said  Elder Baguron to  Elder Verkiry, “there is this funny thing called football in one of the other worlds. Too bad that our youngsters are only interested in killing each other!” - “Yes,” sighed  Elder Verkiry, “imagine we could have such a tournament in Faeo!” Both Elders got bright eyes imagining it. 



“Oh you silly old men!”,  Soygura said, “you really think it could work here? There would be blood battles on the pitches and spectators would run mad and pointing their swords on everyone in their way!” The Elders nodded agreeingly. For a while there was silence, while each of them was enjoying his Shizbeer at the harbour pub in Vurdaliya. Once a month several honorables of each continent meet in one of the pubs talking about how the world has changed whilst having a drink. 

 We wish you lots of fun and good luck!

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 8)

Voting Time ... Warriors - let's look at 15 years of War of Dragons together performed by our contestants!



How to vote:

Go to Facebook or YouTube and like your favourite video until 18.11.2022. Your votes will be merged with the teams voting to determine the winners! 


  Enjoy great moments with a lot of nostalgia! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

Voting will be postponed!



Due to the scale of the event, and some slight deviations from the written guidelines, we are allowing all participants a chance to make further amendments to their existing videos. 

Therefore, this next stage of the event will be postponed until 11.11.2022



  Best of luck to all participants! 


Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 0)

Incredible how time flies... Warriors - let's look back at 15 years of War of Dragons together!



  Creates great moments with a lot of nostalgia! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 1)

Morning has broken! And all the shadows disappear back in their hiding places, waiting for the sun to go down again!



Thank you for your interpretion of impressive castles!

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 1)

The summer is coming to an end. We have enjoyed the last hot summer days and are looking forward to a little cooler air. The days are getting shorter, the nights and shadows getting longer.



It's not far to your country estate, just through the last few dark alleys. Something rustles to your left - but when you look around you can't see anything. Maybe you just imagined it...

  Have fun and be careful not to get lost in the shadows! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 1)

It's Story Time! Light up the campfires and get the marshmallows ready - we now have enough stories to entertain you all night.




 Jesters are happy to announce the winners of the "Campfire" Competition and would like to thank all of the participants for their entries.

Thank you for your campfire stories!

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 1)

Imagine: After a hard day on the battlefield, that evening, we sit around a big fire. No armor, our bellies filled with fried fish, juicy roc kabab and delicious side dishes. Stories are being told over cold shiz beer.


You listen to the elder, who is telling about the creation of Faeo. The leaders of the underground knights are moving their hands wildly as they report on the latest battles. 

Are you ready for the challenge?

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

Unbelievable, you did it! You managed to create astounding castles which would make any king proud!




 Jesters are happy to announce the winners of the "Sandcastle" Competition and would like to thank all of the participants for their entries.

Thank you for your interpretion of impressive castles!

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

Summer, sand, sunshine! We lie on the beach, under a cloudless sky, listening to the sound of the waves and enjoying a few delicious drinks. From time to time, we take a dip into the cool water to refresh ourselves and swim around. Tonight the Elder throws a huge barbeque party - What a life!

As you make your way to the bar to refill your empty glass, you are blinded by the sun and stumble over a sand hill.

But it was not a simple hill! Oh my, you have actually run over a beautiful sand castle...

  Jesters wish you great fun in building your castle! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

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