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Summer, sand, sunshine! We lie on the beach, under a cloudless sky, listening to the sound of the waves and enjoying a few delicious drinks. From time to time, we take a dip into the cool water to refresh ourselves and swim around. Tonight the Elder throws a huge barbeque party - What a life!

As you make your way to the bar to refill your empty glass, you are blinded by the sun and stumble over a sand hill.

But it was not a simple hill! Oh my, you have actually run over a beautiful sand castle...

  Jesters wish you great fun in building your castle! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

 Herald's News Update26.06.2022 15:00

Warriors! A couple of months have passed since our last update. During this time  Heralds' Archivists have worked hard to bring you new guides and Library updates. Today we present to you the results of our work!
Guides moved to the Library
Many guides were moved from the "About" section to the Library. You can find links to the moved article in the full article.
Stay tuned for more updates from the  Archivists Team!
Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

 Jesters' Event - Purge Time!12.06.2022 18:00

It's Purge Time! Warriors beware - the Elders have asked  Jesters to reintroduce the Faeon Purging Event.



Warriors! Start your preparations now to be ready for the slaughter!

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 12)

Welcome to Las WoDas! For the next few days, Faeo will go crazy. Blinking slot machines, hot shows and flashing lights will rule the capitals of our world!



  Jesters wish you the best of luck !   

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 10)

 Herald's News Update08.05.2022 12:00

Warriors! A couple of months have passed since our last update. During this time  Heralds' Archivists have worked hard to bring you new guides and Library updates. Today we present to you the results of our work!

Stay tuned for more updates from the  Archivists Team!
Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 6)

Unbelievable, you did it! Despite the challenges and puzzles which stumped many, several players were undeterred and persevered to emerge triumphant!


 Jesters are proud to announce the winners of the "Month of Jokes" Competition and would like to thank all of the participants!

Thank you for trying to find the treasure!

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

This is our month! And we are happy to welcome all warriors who want to celebrate the Month of Jokes with us. 


After the long and sometimes arduous search through FAEO, it's finally done: the chests are open! But what is it?


 Solve the Jester's riddle! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 0)

This is our month! And we are happy to welcome all warriors who want to celebrate the Month of Jokes with us.


Congratulations, warrior! From the looks of it, not just one, but quite a few chests have been hidden!

 Solve the Jester's riddle! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 0)

This is our month! And we are happy to welcome all warriors who want to celebrate the Month of Jokes with us.


For days you have been watching how the  Jesters are constantly putting their heads together and whispering. Of course, you are curious and try to find out what they are up to. But you have no chance of finding anything out.

Solve the  Jester's riddle!
Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 4)

 Jester Event: March - Winners24.03.2022 19:00

 Jesters proudly present the winners of the "New Superbeing" competition.



 Jesters really did enjoy sawing your idea about the perfect New Superbeing and cannot wait for the next event to see more of your creativity.

 A big Thank you to all participants ! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 1)

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