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 The road to the past is open!11.10.2019 15:00

And so it comes to pass! All the elements that the great Unarius needed were collected! The magician immediately got down to work and created a miraculous tool that allows its owner to time-travel. We just have to do one little thing - you need to go back into the Faeo’s past and collect the ingredients required for the antidote that will save our Organiser.

The Elders are already impatiently waiting for you to give Unarius’ Magic Chronometer and say parting words before you leave. In addition to collecting ingredients in the past, there are many more things for you to do. Some residents of Faeo will ask you for small favors, but how can you not help old friends in those days when they were still so young!
The Forward to the Past quest is available to warriors who have reached level 3, but only after they completed the Salvation from the Past quest.

All repeatable quests from the local residents of the past will become available the day after the Forward to the Past quest has been completed.

May the days gone-by bring you good luck, and hopefully you won’t get lost in time loops!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

21. SUSLIK BOY 13.10.2019 09:11
The second day came. It’s impossible to turn in the quest. But you can get it­ again: Extinct Dog Saliva Dog Flag :lol: :cry: :buee:
22. - blacky - 13.10.2019 10:14
The_Real_Deal , waiting 1 Day & always nothing , can't tal with Elder­ .so...??????????
23. - blacky - 13.10.2019 10:23
24. Arctic filin 13.10.2019 12:23
why again flaws? --- correct recurring quests
25. Stray Cats 13.10.2019 12:29
Current goal: Return to the future and find out if the Elder still has the­ ingredients you delivered. ... and nothing... i wait again
26. Shang Tsung 13.10.2019 14:01
fix bugs with quests!!! They cannot be completed! go to the­ future to the elder... and all, there is no continuation of or the end of the­ quest
27. Sherian 13.10.2019 14:16
handed extinct dog saliva to the elder in the past, but now in the future, elder­ does not allow me to close quests there is no conclusion of the mission­ where can click
28. Sherian 13.10.2019 14:23
Current goal: Return to the future and find out if the Elder still has the­ ingredients you delivered. Nothing to the elder :-((
29. -_-MiSSTaKe-_- 13.10.2019 23:24
23:17 You have obtained as much coal as you can. Go to the capital and deliver­ it to the Elder. Received: Primeval Coal 32 pcs. 23:17 Removed: Primeval­ Coal 32 pcs. I go to the future and talk with Elder and nothing
30. Arctic filin 14.10.2019 00:26
how to collect tokens if nothing works? reimbursed?
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