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 Faeo Legendary Twelfth Anniversary!15.10.2019 16:00

There are days when magic, dissolved in the air, is felt even by those who know nothing about witchcraft. After all, the next anniversary of the creation of the world is coming! And during this period something unusual and interesting always happens in Faeo!
In the next 14 days you will see the brightest game event  «Legendary Twelfth Anniversary»
  • By hunting for monsters, you can get commemorative coins and Dragon helmets.
  • Increased valor in battlefields.
  • You can receive sets of commemorative elixirs and special blessing every day from the Festival Organizer!
  • During the whole event you will have No-break and Non-trauma active.
The celebration will end with a grandiose lottery in which all owners of special lottery tickets will take part. You can buy them in the Anniversary Shop for the «Legendary Twelfth Anniversary» badges. 

And in order to make the fights even more fascinating, the sale of valuable items has began in the Premium Shop.
Enjoy the holiday, warriors! We wish you good hunting and interesting battles! And, of course, good luck in the lottery!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: tceba

11. Cotcotte85 15.10.2019 18:34
pff The door is locked. It looks like no one is home.
12. Sweet Lips 15.10.2019 18:59
And along with this latest part of the event comes, MORE DAMN LAG! I'd­ swap all these elixirs, buffs and prizes for you to fix the lag. It is getting­ worse with every update and with less people playing. It should be getting­ BETTER!
13. Alex321 15.10.2019 19:23
no lag issues here Ö
14. zAquisgran 15.10.2019 20:54
15. AloneFighter 15.10.2019 21:39
anniversary shop could be better btw, it didnt worth all these efforts
16. user9902 16.10.2019 01:28
Hey what bpout those people who hasnt gotten all 3 pieces x 3 - how am i­ supposed to move on!
17. user9902 16.10.2019 01:29
*about those people who haven't had time for battlefelds and unable to get 3­ rages - How am I suuposed to move on - Great thanks admins you did it again­ Stuff everyone up every time!
18. hellrocker28 16.10.2019 06:59
arena now open friend
19. orrin 29.10.2019 17:39
list of lottery winners plz
20. han asd 29.10.2019 21:54
I miss the anniversary shop - i try to spend the all badges in last day but it­ was up to 18:00 GT I play during the evenings anyway gl to all
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