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 Unrecognized Genius of Necromancy05.11.2019 13:01

A mysterious master, raising the dead from their graves and leading a merciless army of liches, loudly announces himself. Longing for recognition of his great power and deep knowledge of necromancy, the Chion Warlock aspires to become the leader of Faeo. To achieve this goal the arrogant sorcerer, who seems to have come from nowhere and is concealing his real name from all, is raising a destructive army of zombies!

Waves of liches are attacking settlements - the monsters are in Free Meadows and  Smoky Knolls [3-6], in  Royal Tomb and   Clan Burial Grounds [7-10] Baurvill Hamle and   Faytvor [11-15], in  Suburbs of Waltreia and  Greerwood Village, in  Waltreia Outpost and  Rumengild Station,  Basmont and  Narrowford [16-19].

Kill them and obtain valuable rewards:



 Start of the attack*


Monsters' level


from 13:00, November 5 till 13:00, November 8
02:00 zombies for 7 - 10 levels
03:00 zombies for 11 - 15 levels
04:00 zombies for 16 - 19 levels
05:00 zombies for 3 - 6 levels
06:00 zombies for 7 - 10 levels
07:00 zombies for 11 - 15 levels
08:00 zombies for 16 - 19 levels
09:00 zombies for 3 - 6 levels
10:00 zombies for 7 - 10 levels
11:00 zombies for 11 - 15 levels
12:00 zombies for 16 - 19 levels
13:00 zombies for 3 - 6 levels
14:00 zombies for 7 - 10 levels
15:00 zombies for 11 - 15 levels
16:00 zombies for 16 - 19 levels
17:00 zombies for 3 - 6 levels
18:00 zombies for 7 - 10 levels
19:00 zombies for 11 - 15 levels
20:00 zombies for 16 - 19 levels
21:00 zombies for 3 - 6 levels
22:00 zombies for 7 - 10 levels
23:00 zombies for 11 - 15 levels
00:00 zombies for 16 - 19 levels
01:00 zombies for 3 - 6 levels



* the time of the start of the attack may be delayed by 3-5 minutes.


Resist the dead army!

Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

1. n6mm 05.11.2019 13:25
sooo... whats the point of this scedule?
2. JuanUltimate 05.11.2019 13:54
The point is to kill them and get some premium potions, 50s coins and liche­ coins
3. n6mm 05.11.2019 14:39
@JuanUltimate i can understand the point of the event. just this­ scedule is pointless so far. 13:00 we had lvl3-6, 14:00 and we have 7-10...
4. The Great Khan 05.11.2019 15:11
"Unrecognized Genius" yeah whatever you say, been failing since 4 years­ now, no wonder why it's unrecognized. Virgin Warlock.
5. Ophiel 05.11.2019 15:11
yes the schedule is wrong
6. n6mm 05.11.2019 16:00
Faytvor [11-15] at least they havent fixed this iconic error :P
7. Rage of Rozenzi 05.11.2019 16:13
16:00 7-10 still no zombies showing :lol:
8. TigerTime 05.11.2019 17:11
what do you get for doing this
9. Dahna 05.11.2019 21:17
wrong hours

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