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 New Year's Spirits are waiting for you!24.12.2019 17:00

Warriors of Faeo, the celebration is in full swing! Once a day, after searching the area under the Christmas tree, you can get Empty sphere of New Year Spirits, after activating which you will again be able to incarnate in one of the Spirits of the New Year!

To charge this scope, you must visit the battlefield: Arena of the Underground Knights, Old Temple of the Chosen, Crystalline Caves and Meridian Vaults. Please note that it is impossible to charge the sphere on the battlefields of the past. The last sphere you can find under the Christmas tree until 15:00 9th January.
We wish you pleasant Christmas!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

1. Yippeekiay 24.12.2019 17:06
Give me my Yeti Shamen fight chest! Still not got it lol
2. orrin 25.12.2019 04:46
@#1... really wow, i found it under the quest item page
3. -falkor- 25.12.2019 11:06
yippekiay hi than write to support because i was in the fight and recive 3 days­ or 2 days ago from guard falkor magmar
4. - Arkadas - 25.12.2019 13:46
why not first make the other events correct? news say bandit.....was all­ servers,here not.......fair update +restored......was all servers,here­ not......we need admin here
5. Yippeekiay 25.12.2019 15:15
@ falkor - human lvl 6-10, 2nd fight, no one in it got chest yet. I think they­ missed us out lol. @ Orrin, I know, mine hasn't arrived­ still.­ &server_id=10

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