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 Soldiers' Supplies21.01.2020 11:30

Warriors! Having greatly celebrated the advent of New Year, Faeo inhabitants are gradually returning to their daily chores and errands. Yet for the brave defenders, who even during celebrations were on guard of their people safety, comes a hard time.
In the most severe January frost, when peaceful citizens are enjoying the cozy atmosphere and warmth of their homes, warriors in heavy armor are taking care of threats on the borders of their continents that come from the enemies and furious monsters.
Centurion Mekden and Commander Norias are worried about their warriors’ spirits. In order to cheer them up they’ve decided to find a special dish recipe, which is easy to cook and at the same time extremely tasty, so that every warrior could enjoy it in the longlasting marches.

Additionally, you will gain Steel Shield during the event! Every day from January the 21st until the start of the rewards stage, along with the daily bonus you will receive 1 Steel Shield!
Don't miss the new rewards:
The exact time of event's end can be seen in game in the 'Events' tab.
A new series of event awards is coming soon!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

1. hellrocker28 21.01.2020 16:54
unable to access the repeattable quest after completing first quest, im at­ vaslav ranger and he doesnt care
2. T-DeAdLY-J 21.01.2020 22:54
You pick up the recurring quests from Centurion Mekden (for humans).
3. hellrocker28 22.01.2020 17:09
thank you
4. han asd 24.01.2020 22:32
Still no item in curiocity shops - as per Game Library it needs to be available­ from 23.01.2020

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