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 Day of all warriors21.02.2020 16:00

This holiday has a special significance for the people of Faeo because today it is the Day of the Warrior!

These days Plateau of Silence will become the battleground of the Great Dragons Striagorn and Erifarius. This time the dradons will not fight alone, but will instead choose champions from the experienced Plateau warriors. Any warrior that has won a battle on Plateau has a chance of becoming the Dragon Avatar for one hour.

Dragon Avatar receives an impressive health increase and special abilities that allow to summon spirit helpers into the battle. One can become an Avatar only once and each race can have only one Avatar at a time. Ancient Plateau will also be opened. The portal will be opened for fast access.

Such a global outrage of forces during the celebrations caused an unprecedented magical storm that broke out on Plateau of Silence and the Ancient Plateau: the raging elements distort the usual reality, protecting the warriors from many negative effects!

Since 16:00 21.02 till 10:00 25.02 there is a sale both on the valuable items and Marks of the Arbiters of Fate in the Premium Shop. Purchase restrictions will be reset on 23.02 at 00:00.
Congratulations! Happy Warrior's and Defender's Day!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

1. BangIII 21.02.2020 16:48
2. --IBRA-- 21.02.2020 17:33
3. Achilies 22.02.2020 04:26
Lets educate humans not to stall in magic storm... Human mentors... I know human­ side is not that bright but PLEASE :lol:
4. ReaperGrimsoul 22.02.2020 09:55
Valor should be given for ALL damage given on platue during this format fighting­ on platue , as all players stats regardless of level are increased and non mages­ do mage type damage to mages , they gain more from this event from being in same­ fights with less damage win or lose.
5. ReaperGrimsoul 22.02.2020 10:01
This is example of the above from fight my side lost my stats from fight :­ (with many blessings) Wind_Fall [15] 32 / 7700 147255 / 0 3 level­ 5 human with no blessings: Goddess of Time [5] 518 / 6373 16659 so­ tell me and others why is it even worth it for mages to go here ? we gain little­ here for alot more used or damage done . * side note same level humam­ from same fight dul [15] 1552 / 18438 125644 / 0 2 still not great­ considering amount of damae to valor ratio just saying this needs tweek.
6. ReaperGrimsoul 22.02.2020 10:06
Maybe split it into mage / non mage groupings like ancient platue :) 1-10­ groupings and 11-20 with same set up in bless *wink wink
7. -Tex- 22.02.2020 13:55
let this game be comunist 1 time

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