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 Event Rewards Shop and October Bags30.10.2020 13:00

Brave warriors of Faeo! October was very saturated with events and interesting tasks for you to complete. As usual, you did a great job. The event «October — Nightmare Week» has come to its end, now we invite you to visit a shop with event rewards at the City Fairs, which you will be able to purchase with Wooden Pumpkin.

Please note: this year you will receive a new rewards set! By using them, you will be able to receive and empower an unique pendant!
If you don't have enough Wooden Pumpkin visit shops at  Chigrik's and  Gloum's! These enterprising contrabandists have special October Bags on the bottom of which you will find Wooden Pumpkins.
You can purchase these bags both for gold and for diamonds but you'll be able to buy them one time only for each currency.
Hurry to the event reward shop Warriors!
Author: Clover-, editor note: Clover-

1. SHREEK 30.10.2020 14:11
Hi , it's not in­ the store??
2. - -LXGXND- - 30.10.2020 15:00
shreek its in store
3. Hazzelinko 30.10.2020 16:49
It seems that the new kretch amulets are missing from the Curiosities shops. It­ was there right after opening, but now a couple of my friends can't find it.
4. zAquisgran 31.10.2020 15:55
Same here, no kretch amulet availabe while others already done it.

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