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 The Sound of Liche Coins02.11.2020 12:00

Many of the inhabitants of Faeo have found ritual coins scattered all around the world, and are pondering with horror the reason for their sudden appearance and what troubles await them this time.



Brave Warriors! Citizens of  Ogriy and  Khair are not able to find out  the cause of the appearance of the liche coins . Faeo is in need of your protection and help! As the coins found are somehow connected to the burial ritual and the world of the dead, we recommend you visit Shiko the Paladin, a famed fighter of the undead.

Additionally, you can gain new valueables during the event! Every day from November 1st until the end of the event, along with the daily bonus you will receive items hidden in the Knapsack of the Undead!


Good luck!


- More info about the event in Game Library

- Event Schedule

- Rewards

Author: Clover-, editor note: Clover-

1. _Clocktower_ 02.11.2020 17:49
seriously? we have no events for a whole month other than BF crap and now you­ give us 2 seasonal events and aniversary event all up in 2 weeks!?? How is­ this fair to the players that cannot play everday. I do not have enough time to­ actually enjoy any events, we go from 0 - 100 in the matter of overnight......­ Like can you spread it out so we can focus on 1 event at a time
2. _Clocktower_ 02.11.2020 22:06
nevermind :lol: i look dumb now, i read the event scheudle AFTER my post.... i­ didnt realize this is a month long event, actually very cool!! thank you­ :)
3. orrin 03.11.2020 08:08
yep and they put Oct. and Nov. seasonal event adjacent end to end cause­ Halloween theme... but the plateau fight no wound no break no debuff­ need to open soon, still none from Oct. 2020?
4. skylla 04.11.2020 00:15
No items from knapsack r given

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