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 Event Rewards Shop and February Bags19.02.2021 13:01

Brave defenders of Faeo! February turned out to be very intense, many worries immediately fell on your shoulders, and you, as always, coped with them with dignity. Very soon the event «Awakening of Feeling!» will come to an end, and now we invite you to visit Tindoline's Store, in which each warrior can buy valuable goods for special badges.

Please note that a new line of achievements awaits you this year. Using the items of this line, you can restore the destroyed altar of the Supreme Spirit of the Kretches and receive his blessing!
If you don't have enough badges to acquire all the goods you need, visit the shops at  Chigrik's and  Gloum's! These enterprising contrabandists have special February Bags on the bottom of which you will find Carved Hearts.
You can purchase these bags both for gold and for diamonds but you'll be able to buy them one time only for each currency.

- More info in game library
Hurry to the event reward shop Warriors!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

1. Yippeekiay 19.02.2021 13:06
Nwe Kretch amulet not yet showing for this month - did you forget as rewards not­ in usual place?
2. Yippeekiay 19.02.2021 13:06
3. -Magra- 19.02.2021 13:09
New stuff is never, not even 1 time, in the shop when it first opens. Go back­ and look at monthly events for the last 3 years and see the same complaint every­ time.
4. Dahna 19.02.2021 13:11
nothing to see there, they just forgot to add the kretch things in shop ....
5. Hazzelinko 19.02.2021 13:13
Can't see anything in shop :podozr:
6. Yippeekiay 19.02.2021 13:18
Kretch in shop now ;o) Don't forget guys - it's in Tindoline Shop, not­ usual.
7. Dahna 19.02.2021 13:20
ty for krtech amulet, now, miss the 2 Kretch Defender Amulet of­ Call
8. Hevo 19.02.2021 21:50
I can't buy anything in the shop...
9. Hevo 21.02.2021 18:24
Still can't buy any of the event

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