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 Newsletter from Heralds26.05.2021 17:00

Warriors! A couple of months have passed since our last update. During this time Heralds' Archivists have worked hard to bring you new guides and Library updates. Today we present to you the results of our work!
New article
We have added a new page to the Library - Superbeings. It lists all of the Superbeings, so that you can easily check their level, how to find them or what skills they use. You can also learn about the achievements which you can receive for killing Superbeings.
Game Characters update is finished! We have added NPCs that you can meet when working on level 16+ quests and reputations.
The guide to Sacral Knowledge has been updated with information on how to obtain the skill on levels 16+, application of sacral knowledge and achievements.
Access to the ancient archive
Riding skills - we have updated the mount list and added more information about how to obtain different mounts, about mount feed and about useful items, such as Magic Lasso or different harnesses.
Information about making candles has been added to the Zigred Hive page.
Thanks to your feedback, hotkeys for quick pockets have been added to the Hotkeys guide.
We have done small updates or corrected coding errors and wrong links in the following articles:
Future updates
We are currently working on updating Red Armour, Erdur Ore, Heritage of the Gnomes and Professions guides. Our plans for the future include updating the Bestiary and writing several new articles, including guides about Arkats, Broths or Pet Amulets.
We are are constantly working on updating articles in the Library, fixing any errors that we can find, and writing new guides. If you find any article that might need an update or you have an idea for an article that would make a good addition to the Library, let us know!
Stay tuned for more updates from the Archivists Team!
Author: Clover-, editor note: Clover-

1. Homodej 26.05.2021 17:37
Good work would be nice to have all info on one place
2. draki22 26.05.2021 20:01
3. Surrael 26.05.2021 20:02
4. cadi2010 27.05.2021 03:33
Where can i buy gold Gromdrag
5. Leonardo121 28.05.2021 08:48
interesing maybe new missions huh? or sidekicks for help his trainer­ -player figter help build exipc , if player who is offline maybe­ automatic alone help build myself expic with a sidekick who would help gave­ many items and elixirs and more etc

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