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 Night sky over Faeo!10.11.2021 18:00

Warrior!  Jesters invite you on a journey…. a journey to the stars. You have already proven yourself successful in battle and scribed your name in eternal glory. Long after the clash of swords, screams of the battle, blood, sweat and tears, you enjoy the peace.





You watch the Sun setting on the battlefield far behind you. You tie your mount to a branch and sit on a nearby fallen tree. It is getting too dark to continue travelling and you are tired. You quickly collect some wood, take off your armour and start a small fire. Your modest meal consists of cheese and dry bread. But soon you will be at your estate, home, once again enjoying much finer dishes. Preparing for sleep you stretch to the sky and yawn widely. Big and small stars’ twinkle above you. You catch movement in the sky from the corner of your eye. Can this be?

You take a second look and indeed, your imagination wasn’t playing a trick on you. You start to see individual constellations that remind you of past days on the battlefield. Your past is displayed on the largest screen Faeo has to offer…. The night sky!


Your task:
Can you recognize the constellations in the sky? All it takes is to combine the numbers amongst the stars. Over the next seven days ... sorry, nights(!) up to five star constellatons (per day/night) will appear. The first correct answer posted wins - but dont forget to post your completed image together with your correct answer. Further every player only can win once!



Event Schedule 


10.11.21 - 17.11.21


You can find up to five riddles per day in the corresponding thread.
A new riddle only will be posted when the previous one is solved.






Terms and Conditions 


  • This is a contest for individual players from level 3 with no active curses for rule violation.
  • Every contestant only can participate once.
  • The artwork can not contain any explicit sexual material or rude, shocking content.
  • The artwork must comply with the game and forum/chat rules, which can be found here: Game Rules and Forum Rules.
  • The artwork should be unique within the project "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons" and must be of your own property. Copyrighted material may not be submitted.
  • The artwork should be made very detailed and clear. A simple sketch or draft will not meet the criteria.
  • Real world national symbolism may not be contained in the artwork.
  • The artwork should be designed so that it looks and feels like they belong within the fantasy universe of "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons". You may not use references to common everyday motives/objects like mobile phones, modern guns, modern vehicles; signs of currencies, pacifism, radioactivity; references to real-world sport teams, among other references that fit poorly within the genre.
  • Fascist, nationalistic, racist and any other political symbolism may not be used.
  • Imagery related to narcotics, drugs, slavery and other illegal activity may not be used.
  • Only entries who meet the requirements will be rewarded.
  • Abuse towards the Jester team for outcomes of events will result in disqualification and bans from events.









First correct answer









Watch the night sky!


Author: Liusaidh, editor note: Liusaidh

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