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 Fern is Everywhere!17.06.2022 14:00

Ordinary fern by sight is surrounded by aura of mysteries... There are many legends about its enigmatic flowers, which appear during several days of June...
We invite you to go on search for this miraculous flower and receive not only a chest with lots of nice surprises from the Spirit of Avarice and Fern Leaf tokens, but also special seasonal achievements.
June - Here comes the summer!
You are about to act at Spirit of Avarice behest, who arrived to the World of Faeo temporarily, and travel quite a lot in search of misterious flowers of Fern. Be ready to ask Bludiara or  Maritsa the Witch for help.
When searching for the fern flowers don't leave leaves unattended. Fern leaves will be useful for  Arnica and  Orfin. They will reward you with Fern Leaf token!
- More info in Game Library

Please note that new accessories for tokens will appear in the rarity shop:

Hurry to gather the magical bud!
Author: Apollinariya

1. Mortimer Dave 17.06.2022 15:07
Magmars! Magmars! Where is the Spirit, now ?
2. Dr_SirJinn_DeKay 18.06.2022 01:32
Not sure if this helps you out:­
3. Homodej 18.06.2022 10:42
Where the hell I will get that Viscous Tentacler Slime ??
4. --Chaos-- 18.06.2022 17:12
god job admins on locations for ferns you put them in the crappiest place so­ human can get over run by paypal mag mages giving inurys all the time good job­ screwing up event
5. orrin 19.06.2022 06:36
to #3. Homodej, i got from lvl 15 mob, underwater by White Castle. And Avarice­ Spirit: 1-4 a.m. Square of Fire / 4-7 am Fort Dybrach / 7-10 am Froentir /10-13­ Smoky Knolls / 13-16 Settlement of Mentaliya / 16-19 Village of Maetro / 19-22­ Zviglod Grove
6. Homodej 19.06.2022 09:32
Thanks a lot got it
7. Wardaddy 21.06.2022 19:48
fix the lag

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