Incredible how time flies... Warriors - let's look back at 15 years of War of Dragons together!

15 things over 15 years:
countless battles
easy and hard quests
some drops
more (or less) experience gained
deserved victories and sometimes bitter defeats
honor, glory and valour - lots of valour!
collected a lot of resources
worked hard for reputations
rankings hard fought for
trade and barter
much joy, but sometimes anger
loyal friends and pugnacious enemies
hot love affairs and one or two tears
great clans and alliances
full of ups but also with some downs
15 years full of memories!
It's time to celebrate! We are especially looking forward to your creativity - this time in the form of a video about War of Dragons.
What was it like back then, how is it now? What do you enjoy the most? Share your ideas with us!
Are you up for the challenge?
Your task:
Create a video for the 15th anniversary of the game.
More information can be found in the forum.
23.10.22 - 04.11.22
Publish your posts in the forum thread before 04.11.22 18:00 server time
05.11.22 - 11.11.22
Player-Voting in Facebook
Individual regulations to the event.
- IMPORTANT! The event is cross-server and will be evaluated with the contributions from the DE server.
- The theme "15th anniversary" must be absolutely recognizable!
- No defamatory or insulting content in general and towards individual players.
- Any music should be mentioned in the description of the video.
- No copyrights may be violated.
- The video mustn't serve as an advertising medium for third parties.
- It mustn't contain any content or refer to anything that violates the MY.GAMES EULA.
You can find the general event rules here!
Please also note the following new rule: Only if there are 8 or more valid entries to the event will prizes be given out for places 1-3, if there are less than 8 valid entries there will be a single winner and the other entries will receive the entry reward
First place:
+ 1 non-unique avatar by choice from Premium Shop
Second Place:
Third Place:
All other participants with valid entries:
Between 20-100 Talent Coin and up to 50 Platinum Thaler

Create great moments with a lot of nostalgia!