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 Jester Event - Halloween: UPDATE!29.10.2023 18:00

UPDATE! From Midnight till 31.10.2023, 23:59 you can fight the Celestial version of Fazgrod in the Resurrected Ghoul’s Crypt at  Vassals' Tomb and  Clan Burial Grounds! 

This Halloween you can prove your bravery! Do you dare journey into the lands of the dead and battle for your life against the terrifying ghoul that dwells there? The jester team double dare you to face Fazgrod and return to tell the tale. Or are you too chicken?



Are you up for the challenge?


Task and Schedule 


Your Task(s):


Fight Fazgrod in  Clan Burial Grounds or  Vassals' Tombs. Post your fight link in the forum thread and a story (minimum 35 words) about how you heroically defeated the fiend and ask us “Trick or Treat!”



  • You can fight the Celestial version of Fazgrod in the Resurrected Ghoul’s Crypt at  Vassals' Tomb and   Clan Burial Grounds;
  • The battle with the Celestial version of Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul is available for players who have reached level 3;


For a bonus prize wear a pumpkin head (or other halloween style armour) and take a screenshot during the fight. Hop over to one of our social media sites and post your screenshot with and a story (new story minimum 35 words or the same as in forum) on the dedicated post for this event.




31.10.2023 00:00 - 23:59


Publish your posts before 01.11.2023 09:00 server time





  Rules and Conditions of Participation  



Please be sure to fulfill the requirements, do not be tempted to use a photoshopped or fake screenshot! 

You can find the general event rules here !


Please Read the Rules! By participating, you confirm that you have read this and have accepted.








All participants with valid entries:


 Contribution in forum: 1 Code

 Contribution in one social media site: 1 Code





 We do not wish your mythic deed to go unrewarded. We triple dare you! 

Author: Liusaidh, editor note: Liusaidh

1. The Bat Man 29.10.2023 21:48
are you like doing it on purpose ??? u just flooding human side with lag ? and­ mag side none ??­­ 0­ 10
2. Yippeekiay 30.10.2023 05:22
Getting huge lag again too. Sometimes taking up to 30 seconds to load a screen­ or move a NPC quest dialogue on one more page etc etc!!!
3. __XerxeS__ 30.10.2023 20:21
yea during celestial event low levels supposed to be able to enter, but like­ many other things with this game, not working
4. EvilSquirrel 30.10.2023 22:00
Ja noch mehr updates und noch mehr Events und von allem noch mehr, aber der­ Server geht nicht ! 500 mal aktuakisieren kostet mich schon mehr als zwei­ Stunden, ich kann nicht sammeln oder sonstiges ! es nervt ! kein event­ kann ich abschließen .... sollte wohl brillis hier rein buttern damit mal was­ geht, mir tut jeder leid der hier sein geld los wird. zum kotzen so langsam
5. EvilSquirrel 30.10.2023 22:03
und dann sinnlose segen die man nicht mal nutzen kann weil man leider ein leben­ hat ! ganz arg schlimm was ihr hier mit den spielern macht, zum Glück­ zahlen noch so viele, ich würde jedem abraten, ihr steckt so viel ein und­ nichts geht !
6. EvilSquirrel 30.10.2023 22:05
nicht mal urtschi kann ich klicken, bravo
7. smoczyca gur 31.10.2023 18:41 ój­ był ciężki niestety musieliśmy polec aby mroki dokonały aktu zemsty i­ pomściły naszą śmierc. dzięki temu zmartwych wstaliśmy świętując­ zwycięstwo

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