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 Festive Fair of Wonders17.11.2023 12:00

What is that unusual noise that is heard on the Trade Fairs of both capitals? A squeak of bend wood, melodious sound of bowstring, a whistle of flying bows… No, that is not the exchange of fire with the enemy, that is customers trying out newly arrived goods. Exotic Fair of Wonders has started in the World of Faeo!
Pay attention to products with up to 50% discount:

Until 20.11 12:00 for every  100 diamonds or  400 gold at the Exotic Fair of Wonders you will receive 5 Pack of Cards10 Precious Forged Trunk2 Small Lost Hero’s Bag and 70 Platinum Thaler!

Exotic Fair will be open till 20.11 12:00

Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends.​
Enjoy the fair, warriors!
Author: MisterFixxer, editor note: Liusaidh

1. LootLegend 17.11.2023 12:27
Festive Fair of Wonders? More like the fraudulent Fair of Blunders
2. John_B_ 17.11.2023 12:37
kpina do reszty. jak chcecie zniszczyć tą grę to zróbicie to od razu a nie­ na raty.
3. Sweet Lips 17.11.2023 13:15
Why isn't the bandit put in the news anymore? I was just playing & it­ suddenly disappeared. The jackpot was nearly 5k & poof - bandit gone. How is­ anyone to know when it's starts & when it's going to stop?
4. Canaletto 17.11.2023 13:32
Ernsthaft ??? 1 Goldtopf !!! Langsam nervt eure Gier gewaltig­ !!!
5. Canaletto 17.11.2023 13:34
13:33 Im Geschäft hast du Folgendes gekauft: Ein Topf voll Gold 1 Stk. Vielen­ Dank! Monatseinkauf erledigt... wer kauft eigentlich das­ überteuerte Zeug, mich würde ja mal eine Statistik interessieren.
6. _Ophiuchus_ 17.11.2023 14:28
Festive Fair of Wonders , nice one! :)))
7. -CyberPunk- 17.11.2023 16:06
well, I found some useful things this time. @LootLegend, that was a good one XD
8. lol666 17.11.2023 16:10
16:10 You have bought the following items from the shop: Pot of Gold 1 pcs.­ Thank you for your custom! Ehmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, just 1?
9. Yujiro Hanma 17.11.2023 16:13
pot eyes and gold 1x each nice
10. Mortimer Dave 17.11.2023 16:24
Checked. Nothing to like or buy in this "festive..."
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