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 Seven wondrous flowers07.12.2023 15:00

The makers of witchcraft potions keep secrets jealously! Wandering monster hunters for a long time whispered the recipes for their famous decoctions amongst themselves. But can anything in Faeo escape the Great Sheara? Now the Mistress of the Dragons is ready to create these most powerful battle elixirs with her own hands for worthy warriors devoted to their peoples! But...

... there are two obstacles. Firstly, the composition of the decoctions includes seven very rare flowers that bloom in places that are completely unsuitable for delicate plants. These flowers do not need the rays of Mirrow, but the light of torches and the brilliance of steel. Their roots feed on spilled blood and lava, and their petals greedily absorb the fury and madness of battles. So you will have to look for them either on the battlefields, or in the darkest and most secret corners of Faeo. And secondly, they bloom only at a special time - during the Seven Wonderful Flowers event!
This event will be available to warriors who have reached level 3. To take part in it, you need to take the task "Seven Wonderful Flowers" from Sheara. And then, for completing it, you will receive one of the unique concoctions from the Dragon Lady herself!
Picking flowers is not always a carefree stroll! But the task is worth the effort, because the reward will be decoctions made by the hand of Sheara herself!
Author: MisterFixxer

1. SuperDaddy 07.12.2023 15:12
warum sind alle quests auf englisch. denkt doch bitte mal an die vielen spieler,­ die kein englisch können. müssen die alle deepl benutzen, um quests richtig zu­ verstehen? *g* why are all the quests in english. think about the many­ players who don't speak english. do they all have to use deepl to understand­ quests properly?
2. _Clocktower_ 07.12.2023 17:03
I have been on this server my entire life. We cannot change the language. I­ simply wont play. Other serrvers were shut down for a reason. So yes you do need­ to continue to use translators. I need to increasingly use transaltors because­ german and polish languages are seeping their way into the game play.­ KEEP IT ENGLISH
3. Mortimer Dave 08.12.2023 11:08
Official language on COM server, for the last 100,000 Years is English. If you­ use to play through Game Client, you can switch interface language between ENG /­ DE / PL. ENG is not my native language, but I have ZERO Problems­ reading/writting in English. Whenever that hard-written, I may use translator,­ but that covers 1% of all cases. Its just those few words... :) Have a good­ time around! :)
4. Mortimer Dave 08.12.2023 11:18
But, I have to admit, exmple: When in battle, understanding one language, and at­ sudden - tooltips to see/reading as a mixed up (ENG, or in DE, or in PL ...) the­ item description, to read what you use now in fight, when No time to translate,­ well, I have to admit - it has to be fixed, because itgives no chance to someone­ to react to unknown language. Example - to see Effects of Battle Bows during­ fight. I rely on text to guide which effect to trigger, and when in unknown­ language, I skip using the Bow !
5. Zulan dè Brúmmèl 09.12.2023 11:35
Great! Collected them all choose my brew and... nothing happened. My­ toxicity increased but the other stats are the same like before
6. Positron 10.12.2023 00:16
@Zullan, Dear player, As it is described on the item itself,­ the attributes are adjusted when you enter a battle. Have a nice­ day!

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