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 "Special lots" in the auction!25.12.2023 15:00

Warriors! We are pleased to announce that the sale of special lots has begun in the auction in the  O'Delvays and  Dartrong city squares! 

When 10 minutes have passed since the last bid, after the end of normal bidding time, the auction will end automatically. If you were outbid during the auction, the funds will be returned to you.

Please note: You can use Magic Snowflake tokens as payment for the item you are interested in. All items will be available for humans and for magmars separately.

Bidding will last until 19:00 on 27.12.
Don't miss your chance to strike a good deal!
Author: Liusaidh, editor note: Liusaidh

1. John_B_ 25.12.2023 15:44
where is event shop?
2. -Androm- 25.12.2023 16:26
Reward time (28th of December)
3. --SLY-- 25.12.2023 16:46
Whyis there no Bear Amulets for gold like EVERY year­ previously!!!!
4. --SLY-- 25.12.2023 17:48
12 Bears each side last year & only 5 this year. I've waited (WASTED) all­ year saving up for a chance, now I have no chance. Gutted :(
5. Mortimer Dave 26.12.2023 10:01
Those "Special lots" has to be changed status to "Hidden" - to­ be there, but not to be announced in News. We all know, its not a­ "thing" that anyone can dream for, to have it. Rich players will outbid­ anyone, always! It does not matter at all, how many Lots there will be, it­ will always be taken, by someone richer than us.
6. Sweet Lips 26.12.2023 13:17
^wrong^ - I bought a bear a few years ago for gold so didn't need to have­ lots of real money. Now only people with diamonds or lots of thalers (from­ spending money at fairs etc) can bid on these latest bears. There were 3 gold­ bears last year so if you saved up gold you could have a chance, now there's­ none. Another slap in the face to the players unable to spend cash.
7. I- SteaLMate -I 28.12.2023 00:20
The payers even win with snowflakes. So call it payerlots :lol: That explains­ why people have 600 flakes even in the first 14 days. Senseless to collect them­ for auction at all. That was the last way besides gold that everyone has the­ same chance to win something, if they were diligent and made every­ decemberquests etc till the auction. Tragic

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