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 Jesters' Winter Competition Results30.12.2023 20:00

The votes are in! It's time to congratulate the winners of the Jester's Competition 2023





After a tough competition, the Muff and Felt Boot votes have been tallied up!  




And now,  Jesters would like to proudly present you with the winners of 2023! 





First place 

Felt Boot Quantity Muff Quantity

-Blade Master-




 - - Pain - -






Special Christmas Avatars, Red gifts in the gift slot,
Commemorative 2023 Medals, 2x Winter Casket


Second place


Felt Boot Quantity Muff Quantity





  - Milos -







Red gift in the gift slot, 2x Ice box


 The rewards will be distributed in the following days. 




 Thank you all and best wishes for 2024!  



Author: Liusaidh, editor note: Liusaidh

1. Gabriell8 30.12.2023 23:12
Lol nice cheating 3,6 k get first place when other person gets almost 6 k and­ get nothing xD
2. T-DeAdLY-J 30.12.2023 23:57
Players who cheated (broke event rules) were disqualified. The list here is of­ players who followed the event rules.
3. Gabriell8 31.12.2023 00:13
How other broke event rules ?
4. The Wicked Woman 31.12.2023 00:34
Number of Felt Boots received 3997 Is this a joke?
5. T-DeAdLY-J 31.12.2023 00:44
You may read the event rules here:­
6. I n f i n i t y 31.12.2023 02:42
D e S t i N Y If your picture is covered you are excluded from the­ evaluation
7. SilentGuy 31.12.2023 08:09
I would like to thank the entire alliance, all my friends who donated their­ gloves and boots to us, and the informers. Thanks are also due to the evaluators­ who did not do their job properly - if they checked private chats so carefully,­ they should know about it - and they assessed only on the basis of information­ received from "trusted" people. First of all, I would like to thank the­ only person to whom my autoreplay was sent - you are the only one - THANK YOU.­ It's a pity about these voices, but in such situations we meet people who­ are truly friendly and false. Those who should know know more, there is no need.­ Number of Felt Boots received 5494 and my better half: Number of Mittens­ received 5983 :lol: Thank you to all my friends and sorry for one mistake - I­ just didn't think I had a reliable person among my friends :) / Chciałbym­ bardzo serdecznie podziekować całemu sojuszowi, wszystkim znajomym którzy­ oddali na nas swoje rękawice i kozaki oraz konfidentom. Podziekowania należą­ się też oceniającym, który nie wykonali porządnie swojej pracy -jeżeli tak­ wnikliwie sprawdzali prywatne czaty powinni o tym wiedzieć - a oceniali tylko­ na podstawie spływających do nich informacji od "zaufanych".­ Chciałbym przede wszystkim podziękować osobie, do której jako jedynej­ poszedł mój autoreplay - tak do Ciebie jedynej - DZIĘKUJĘ. Szkoda tych­ głosów jednak w takich sytuacja poznajemy ludzi nam prawdziwie życzliwych­ oraz fałszywych. Ci którzy powinni wiedzieć wiedzą więcej nie trzeba .­ Number of Felt Boots received 5494 i moja lepsza połowa: Number of Mittens­ received 5983 :lol: Dziękuję wszystkim przyjaciołom i przepraszam za jeden­ błąd - poprostu nie sądziłem, że mam w znajomych konfidenta :)
8. -Blade Master- 31.12.2023 15:33
Thank you all for voting for me and I wish you all the best in the New Year 2024

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