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 Day of all warriors23.02.2024 12:00

This holiday has a special significance for the people of Faeo because today it is the Day of the Warrior!

These days Plateau of Silence will become the battleground of the Great Dragons Striagorn and Erifarius. This time the dradons will not fight alone, but will instead choose champions from the experienced Plateau warriors. Any warrior that has won a battle on Plateau has a chance of becoming the Dragon Avatar for one hour.

Dragon Avatar receives an impressive health increase and special abilities that allow to summon spirit helpers into the battle. One can become an Avatar only once and each race can have only one Avatar at a time. Ancient Plateau will also be opened. The portal will be opened for fast access.

Such a global outrage of forces during the celebrations caused an unprecedented magical storm that broke out on Plateau of Silence and the Ancient Plateau: the raging elements distort the usual reality, protecting the warriors from many negative effects!
Fearless defender of Faeo

Besides this, if you log into the game on Feb 23rd, you will receive a special legendary achievement and a special chest: Soldier's crate!

Congratulations! Happy Warrior's and Defender's Day!
Author: MisterFixxer, editor note: MisterFixxer

1. Dzaack 23.02.2024 12:09
quick, start checking all your friends in Faeo! too many freebies in one­ day, I don't trust them! :podozr: :D
2. Le Soleil 23.02.2024 13:45
no achievement and no special chest
3. Lauriana 23.02.2024 13:52
Euhhh... where is the chest and the achievement ???... i don't see­ anything...
4. vV_-DiaMonD-_Vv 23.02.2024 13:55
Only because I log into the game about 1:00 I don't get the chest and­ achievement? ;( Not fair
5. -Lukrecja- 23.02.2024 14:07
I don't see anything too :/
6. T-DeAdLY-J 23.02.2024 15:17
Please try log in again.
7. Amilee 24.02.2024 07:00
i don't see anything :(

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